App::Relate - backend for "relate" script (filtered locate)
use App::Relate;
# search the standard locate database
my $rh = App::Relate->new();
my $matches = $rh->relate( \@search_terms );
# screen the results with a named filter
my $matches = $rh->relate( \@terms, { add_filters => [':omit'] });
# using options (1) a non-standard locate db, (2) alternate filter storage,
# (3) case-insensitive matches
# generating a newly created locate database
use File::Locate::Harder;
my $db_file = "/tmp/special_locate.db";
my $flh = File::Locate::Harder->new( db => undef );
$flh->create_database( $dir_to_be_indexed, $db_file );
# filter storage search path consisting of:
# (1) yaml file (2) a DBI database connection
my $alt_storage_aref = [
{ format => 'DBI',
connect_to => $connect_to,
owner => $owner,
password => $password,
my $rh = App::Relate->new( {
storage => $alt_storage_aref,
locatedb => $db_file,
modifiers => 'i', # force case-insensitive matches
} );
my $matches = $rh->relate( \@terms );
# save_filters_when_used can be used to make user-modifiable copies
# of standard filters
my $lfar = App::Relate->new( {
storage => $yaml_file,
save_filters_when_used => 1,
} );
my $result = $lfar->relate( \@search_terms ); # by default uses ':skipdull'
# A copy of the ":skipdull" filter should now be found in
# $yaml_file, where it can be edited: it will take precedence
# over the default definition on later runs.
Implements the functionality for the relate script, which uses the system's "locate" database to find file names that match multiple search terms.
This version uses the List::Filter modules to get some flexibility and persistance advantages.
It tries to access the locate database through File::Locate::Harder in order to be relatively portable.
- new
Instantiates a new App::Relate object.
Takes an optional hashref as an argument, with named fields, which are very similar but not quite identical to those of List::Filter::Storage.
- storage
Search path for List::Filter filters, but with an automatically appended handle for the standard filters (defined in the code libraries List::Filter::Library::*)
- write_storage
The location (typically a yaml file) that filters are saved to. When we run with "save_filters_when_used" on, accessible copies will be exist here for any filter that's been invoked, even the standard filters.
- transform_storage
Like "storage", except for List::Filter::Transform "transforms". Used internally to access one standard filter (the "dwim" transform of "^" into a boundary match). Unlike the case with filter storage, copies of standard transforms are not saved to the write_storage.
- locatedb
The "locate" database file used for primary searches. Optional, defaults to the system's main locate database. Setting this is typically done only for testing purposes.
- modifiers
Yet another place where perl regexp modifiers can be specified. E.g. a "i" will force case-insensitive matches, overriding any internal modifier settings.
- save_filters_when_used
Option to create accessible copies of standard filters that are used (gives the user an easy way to make modifications that override the standard definitions).
- search_filter_name
An internally used, temporary filter name, defaults to a value which should be unique to the user (to avoid collisons if shared filter storage is in use). Note: List::Filter at present lacks "anonymous filter" features, this is a work around. Default: _prev_relate_<user>.
- init
Initialize object attributes and then lock them down to prevent accidental creation of new ones.
- setup_filter_names
Routine used internally to setup fitler names from options settings and so on.
- setup_locate_options
Routine used internally (by the relate routine) to set up the string of option switches that need to be used with the locate command (now handled by File::Locate::Harder).
- relate
Searches for matching items in the output from the system's "locate" command, using some named filters (List::Filter) to winnow the results.
The list of search patterns may all be perl regexp's (where \x should be assumed), except for the first term, which must be a simple string that can be fed into the locate command (see section "the locate program"). Efficiency is greatly improved if this string is relatively unique.
This defaults to using the standard ":skipdull" filter on the search results. If the "save_filters_when_used" option has been enabled, a copy of this will be found in the "write_location": it can be edited, and the modified version will take precedence over the default definition on later runs.
Input: (1) (aref) list of search patterns (with the first item simple, but unique) (2) (href) options:
- no_default_filters
supresses the default filter(s) (cf. ':skipdull')
- add_filters
list of filter names to use (in addition to the defaults unless, those have been supressed): this is a space seperated string (not an aref)
- regexp
The first item is a POSIX regexp.
Returns: (aref) matching items that pass the filters
@terms = qw( china www var images ); $china_pics = $self->relate( \@terms, { filters => [":jpeg"] } );
- list_filters
Returns a list of all avaliable named filters.
basic setters and getters
- storage
Getter for object attribute storage
- set_storage
Setter for object attribute set_storage
- locatedb
Getter for object attribute locatedb
- set_locatedb
Setter for object attribute locatedb
- modifiers
Getter for object attribute modifiers
- set_modifiers
Setter for object attribute set_modifiers
- filter_storage
Getter for object attribute filter_storage
- set_filter_storage
Setter for object attribute set_filter_storage
- lfth
Getter for object attribute lfth
- set_lfth
Setter for object attribute set_lfth
- flh
Getter for object attribute flh
- set_flh
Setter for object attribute set_flh
- search_filter_name
Getter for object attribute search_filter_name
- set_search_filter_name
Setter for object attribute set_search_filter_name
List::Filter List::Filter::Project
Joseph Brenner, <>
Copyright (C) 2007 by Joseph Brenner
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
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