The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.17 - 2020-11-22

  • fix bug in token-refresh, RT132661 (Ruud)
  • fix doc error reported by niceperl in RT133154 (niceperl)
  • add redirect_uri as optional request param (suggested by john ridley)
  • Fix casing of LWP::UserAgent in Pod link (Olaf Alders)


Overview of accessing OAuth2 APIs with LWP::Authen::OAuth2


Make requests to OAuth2 APIs.
Access tokens for OAuth 2.
Bearer access tokens for OAuth 2.
Understand OAuth2 Service Providers
Access Line OAuth2 API v2
Access Strava API v3 OAuth2 APIs
Access Yahoo API OAuth2 APIs


in lib/LWP/Authen/OAuth2/
in lib/LWP/Authen/OAuth2/ServiceProvider/
in lib/LWP/Authen/OAuth2/ServiceProvider/
in lib/LWP/Authen/OAuth2/ServiceProvider/
in lib/LWP/Authen/OAuth2/ServiceProvider/
in lib/LWP/Authen/OAuth2/ServiceProvider/
in lib/LWP/Authen/OAuth2/ServiceProvider/Line/