- fetch_recently_changed_nodes
Based on the supplied criteria, fetch a list of the recently changed nodes
- fetch_newest_for_recently_changed
Based on the supplied criteria (but not using all of those used by fetch_recently_changed_nodes), find the newest node from the recently changed nodes set. Normally used for dating the whole of a Feed.
- fetch_node_all_versions
For a given node (name or ID), return all the versions there have been, including all metadata required for it to go into a "recent changes" style listing.
- recent_changes
Build an Atom Feed of the recent changes to the Wiki::Toolkit instance, using any supplied parameters to narrow the results.
If the argument "also_return_timestamp" is supplied, it will return an array of the feed, and the feed timestamp. Otherwise it just returns the feed.
- node_all_versions
Build an Atom Feed of all the different versions of a given node.
If the argument "also_return_timestamp" is supplied, it will return an array of the feed, and the feed timestamp. Otherwise it just returns the feed.
- format_geo
Using the geo and space xml namespaces, format the supplied node metadata into geo: and space: tags, suitable for inclusion in a feed with those namespaces imported.
- feed_timestamp
All implementing feed renderers must implement a method to produce a feed specific timestamp, based on the supplied node
- generate_node_list_feed
All implementing feed renderers must implement a method to produce a feed from the supplied list of nodes
- generate_node_name_distance_feed
All implementing feed renderers must implement a method to produce a stripped down feed from the supplied list of node names, and optionally locations and distance from a reference point.
- parse_feed_timestamp
Take a feed_timestamp and return a Time::Piece object.
Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::Listing - parent class for Feeds from Wiki::Toolkit.
Handles common data fetching tasks, so that child classes need only worry about formatting the feeds.
Also enforces some common methods that must be implemented.
The Wiki::Toolkit team, http://www.wiki-toolkit.org/.
Copyright 2006 the Wiki::Toolkit team.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 6:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 258:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'