OpenGuides::Test - Methods to help test OpenGuides applications.


Provides methods to help when writing tests for OpenGuides. Distributed and installed as part of the OpenGuides project, not intended for independent installation. This documentation is probably only useful to OpenGuides developers.


use OpenGuides;
use OpenGuides::Test;

my $config = OpenGuides::Test->make_basic_config;
$config->default_language( "nl" );

my $guide = OpenGuides->new( config => $config );

                              guide      => $guide,
                              node       => "Crabtree Tavern",
                              os_x       => 523465,
                              os_y       => 177490,
                              categories => "Pubs",


my $config = OpenGuides::Test->make_basic_config;
$config->default_language( "nl" );

Makes an OpenGuides::Config object with needed fields pre-filled. You can mess with it as you like then.

my $config = OpenGuides::Test->make_basic_config;
my $guide = OpenGuides->new( config => $config );

                              guide      => $guide,
                              node       => "Crabtree Tavern",
                              os_x       => 523465,
                              os_y       => 177490,
                              categories => "Pubs\r\nPub Food",

This method calls the make_cgi_object method to make its CGI object; you can supply values for any key mentioned there. You should supply them exactly as they would come from a CGI form, eg lines in a textarea are separated by \r\n.

This method will automatically grab the checksum from the database, so even if the node already exists your data will still be written. If you don't want this behaviour (for example, if you're testing edit conflicts) then pass in a true value to the omit_checksum parameter:

                              guide         => $guide,
                              node          => "Crabtree Tavern",
                              omit_checksum => 1,

If you want to grab the output, pass a true value to return_output:

my $output = OpenGuides::Test->write_data(
                                           guide        => $guide,
                                           node         => "Crabtree Tavern",
                                           return_output => 1,

Similarly, if you pass a true value to return_tt_vars, the return value will be the variables which would have been passed to the template for output:

my %vars = OpenGuides::Test->write_data(
                                           guide        => $guide,
                                           node         => "Crabtree Tavern",
                                           return_tt_vars => 1,
my $q = OpenGuides::Test->make_cgi_object;

You can supply values for the following keys: content, categories, locales, node_image, node_image_licence, node_image_copyright, node_image_url, phone, fax, website, hours_text, address, postcode, map_link, os_x, os_y, osie_x, osie_y, latitude, longitude, summary, username, comment, edit_type. You should supply them exactly as they would come from a CGI form, eg lines in a textarea are separated by \r\n.


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Copyright (C) 2004-2007 The OpenGuides Project.  All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 206:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'