OpenGuides::Search - Search form generation and processing for OpenGuides.
Does search stuff for OpenGuides. Distributed and installed as part of the OpenGuides project, not intended for independent installation. This documentation is probably only useful to OpenGuides developers.
use CGI;
use OpenGuides::Config;
use OpenGuides::Search;
my $config = OpenGuides::Config->new( file => "wiki.conf" );
my $search = OpenGuides::Search->new( config => $config );
my %vars = CGI::Vars();
$search->run( vars => \%vars );
- new
my $config = OpenGuides::Config->new( file => "wiki.conf" ); my $search = OpenGuides::Search->new( config => $config );
- wiki
my $wiki = $search->wiki;
An accessor; returns the underlying Wiki::Toolkit object.
- config
my $config = $search->config;
An accessor; returns the underlying OpenGuides::Config object.
- run
my %vars = CGI::Vars(); $search->run( vars => \%vars, return_output => 1, # defaults to 0 return_tt_vars => 1, # defaults to 0 );
parameter is optional. If supplied and true, the stuff that would normally be printed to STDOUT will be returned as a string instead.The
parameter is also optional. If supplied and true, the template is not processed and the variables that would have been passed to it are returned as a hash. This parameter takes precedence overreturn_output
.These two parameters exist to make testing easier; you probably don't want to use them in production.
- word
a single word will be matched as-is. For example, a search on
will return all pages containing the word "escalator".
- AND searches
A list of words with no punctuation will be ANDed, for example:
restaurant vegetarian
will return all pages containing both the word "restaurant" and the word "vegetarian".
- OR searches
A list of words separated by commas (and optional spaces) will be ORed, for example:
restaurant, cafe
will return all pages containing either the word "restaurant" or the word "cafe".
- phrase searches
Enclose phrases in double quotes, for example:
"meat pie"
will return all pages that contain the exact phrase "meat pie" - not pages that only contain, for example, "apple pie and meat sausage".
To perform a distance search, you need to supply one of the following sets of criteria to specify the distance to search within, and the origin (centre) of the search:
- os_dist, os_x, and os_y
Only works if you chose to use British National Grid in wiki.conf
- osie_dist, osie_x, and osie_y
Only works if you chose to use Irish National Grid in wiki.conf
- latlong_dist, latitude, and longitude
Should always work, but has a habit of "finding" things a couple of metres away from themselves.
You can perform both pure distance searches and distance searches in combination with text searches.
Results will be put into some form of relevance ordering. These are the rules we have tests for so far (and hence the only rules that can be relied on):
A match on page title will score higher than a match on page category or locale.
A match on page category or locale will score higher than a match on page content.
Two matches in the title beats one match in the title and one in the content.
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The OpenGuides distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.