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Math::FastGF2::Matrix - Matrix operations for fast Galois Field arithmetic


use Math::FastGF2::Matrix;

  new(rows => $r, cols => $c, width => $w, org => "rowwise");
  new_identity(size => $size, width => $w, org => "rowwise");

$rows = $m->ROWS;   $cols  = $m->COLS;
$org  = $m->ORG;    $width = $m->WIDTH;





This module provides basic functionality for handling matrices of Galois Field elements. It is a fairly "close to the metal" implementation using the C language to store the underlying object and handle performance-critical tasks such as bulk input/output of values and matrix multiplication. Less critical tasks are handled by Perl methods.

All matrix elements are treated as polynomials in GF(2^m), with all calculations on them being done using the Math::FastGF2 module.



New Math::FastGF2::Matrix objects are created and initialised to with zero values with the new() constructor method:

  new(rows => $r, cols => $c, width => $w, org => "rowwise");

The rows and cols parameters specify how many rows and columns the new matrix should have. The width parameter must be set to 1, 2 or 4 to indicate Galois Fields of that many bytes in size.

The org parameter is optional and defaults to "rowwise" if unset. This parameter specifies how the matrix should be organised in memory. This parameter affects how the bulk data input/output routines setvals and getvals enter data and retrieve it from the matrix. With "rowwise" organisation, values are written in left-to-right order first, moving down to the next row as each row becomes full. With "colwise" organisation, values are written top-to-bottom first, moving right to the next column as each column becomes full.


To create a new identity matrix with $size rows and columns, width $w and organisation $org:

         new_identity(size => $size, width => $w, org => $org);

As with the new constructor, the org parameter is optional and default to "rowwise".


Getting and setting individual values in the matrix is handled by the getval and setval methods:


Multiple values can be got/set at once, using the more efficient getvals/setvals methods:


These methods copy the values out of/into the C data structure. The $words parameter to getvals specifies how many values to extract from the Matrix.

These methods can take an optional $order parameter which can be used to perform byte-swapping on 2-byte and 4-byte words where it is needed. The possible values are:

0. input is/output should be in native byte order (no byte-swapping)
1. input is/output should be in little-endian byte order
2. input is/output should be in big-endian byte order


To swap two rows of a "rowwise" matrix using temporary lists

die "Expected matrix to be ROWWISE\n" unless $m->ORG eq "rowwise"
@list1 = $m->getvals($row1,0,$m->COLS);
@list2 = $m->getvals($row2,0,$m->COLS);

The same example using slightly more efficient string form:

die "Expected matrix to be ROWWISE\n" unless $m->ORG eq "rowwise"
$str1 = $m->getvals($row1,0,$m->COLS);
$str2 = $m->getvals($row2,0,$m->COLS);

This is an example of how not to implement the above. It fails because getvals is being called in a list context. Beware:

($str1,$str2) = ( $m->getvals($row1,0,$m->COLS),
                  $m->getvals($row2,0,$m->COLS) );

Likewise, this common idiom also implies a list context:

my ($var) = ...

When in doubt about list/scalar context, always use a simple assignment to a scalar variable. Alternatively, scalar context can be enforced by using Perl's scalar keyword, eg:

my ($str) = (scalar $m->getvals(...));

Read in some little-endian values from a file, and have them converted to Perl's internal format if necessary:

# assume ROWWISE, writing values into row $row of matrix
sysread $fh, $str, $m->COLS * $m->WIDTH;

Take values from a matrix and output them to a file as a list of little-endian values:

# assume ROWWISE, reading values from row $row of matrix
syswrite $fh, $str, $m->COLS * $m->WIDTH;

Zero all elements in a matrix (works regardless of matrix organisation):

$m->setvals(0,0,(0) x ($m->ROWS * $m->COLS));



To multiply two matrices $m1 (on left) and $m2 (on right), use:


This returns a new matrix in $result or undef on error. The number of columns in $m1 must equal the number of rows in $m2. The resulting matrix will have the same number of rows as $m1 and the same number of columns as $m2. An alternative form allows storing the result in an existing matrix (of the appropriate dimensions), thus avoiding the overhead of allocating a new one:


The $result matrix is also returned, though it can be safely ignored.


To invert a square matrix (using Gauss-Jordan method):


A new inverse matrix is returned if the matrix was invertible, or undef otherwise.


To create a new matrix which has matrix $m1 on the left and $m2 on the right, use:

$adjoined = $m1->concat($m2);

The number of rows in $m1 and $m2 must be the same. Returns a new matrix or undef in the case of an error.


Treat matrix as a set of simultaneous equations and attempt to solve it:


The result is a new matrix, or undef if the equations have no solution. The input matrix must have at least one more column than rows, with the first $m->ROWS columns being the coefficients of the equations to be solved (ie, the left-hand side of equations), and the remaining column(s) being the value(s) the equations evaluate to (ie, the right-hand side of equations).


To test whether two matrices have the same values:

if ($m1->eq($m2)) {
  # Matrices are equal

Testing for inequality:

if ($m1->ne($m2)) {
  # Matrices are not equal


See Math::FastGF2 for details of the underlying Galois Field arithmetic.

See Math::Matrix for storing and manipulating matrices of regular numbers.


Declan Malone, <>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Declan Malone

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the "GNU General Public License" ("GPL").

Please refer to the file "GNU_GPL.txt" in this distribution for details.


This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.