Changes for version 1.014 - 2014-09-12
- Fixed more CPAN Tester FAIL reports.
- Added File::HomeDir version 0.93+ as a dependency, because that's the first production release that supported the my_dist_data() method that Fetchware uses to store non-root fetchware database path.
- Switched to pretty much always using a tempdir for the fetchware database path instead of the real fetchware database path. This should fix some upgrade CPAN Tester FAILs.
- Gave up trying to test using Test::Expect if its installed. That's still in the code, but now skip_all_unless_relase_testing() is in front of it, so pretty much just me is the only who is ever going to test any of the Test::Expect stuff, which is probably a good thing, since its test reliability seems iffy.
Fetchware is a package manager for source code distributions.
App::Fetchware is Fetchware's API used to make extensions.
Manages App::Fetchware's internal representation of Fetchwarefiles.
Used by fetchware extensions to create their configuration options.
Used by fetchware extensions to export their API subroutines.
Helps Fetchware extensions create Fetchwarefiles.
Miscelaneous functions for App::Fetchware.
An App::Fetchware extension that downloads files based on an HTML page.
Provides testing subroutines for App::Fetchware.