WWW::Velib::Station - Details of Velib' station bicycle and parking availability
This document describes version 0.01 of WWW::Velib::Station, released 2007-xx-xx.
use WWW::Velib::Station;
my $s = WWW::Velib::Station->new(2007);
print $s->available, $/; # hopefully a positive number
- new
Create a WWW::Velib::Station object. A single input parameter is given, representing the station number.
- make
Create a WWW::Velib::Station object, based on the geographic information provided by WWW::Velib::Map. Not expected to be called from client code.
- load_v1
Create a WWW::Velib::Station object, based on locally-cached contents of the geographic information provided by WWW::Velib::Map. Not expected to be called from client code.
- coords
Returns a two-element list containing the theta and phi coordinates of the station.
- distance_from
Returns the distance in metres of a station from the current station. The result is rounded by default to the nearest 5 metres.
my $depart; # two WWW::Velib::Station objects my $arrive; my $distance = $depart->distance_from($arrive);
To round off to another interval, specify the rounding as a second parameter:
my $dist_km = $depart->distance_from($arrive, 1000);
- number
Returns the number (indentifier) of the station.
- open
Indicates whether the station is open for business or not.
- name
Returns the name of the station.
- latitude
Returns the station's latitude, in degrees.
- longitude
Returns the station's longitude, in degrees.
- address
Returns the short address of the station.
- full_address
Returns the full address of the station.
- refresh
If a station has been built by loading a map, the following details will not be loaded (it takes time to fetch a couple of thousand web pages). This method will fetch the current status of the station (bikes available, slots available). On a long-running process, may be called repeatedly (at a suitable interval) to update the status.
- available
Returns the number of bicycles available at the specified station.
- total
Returns the total number of bicycle posts installed at the station.
- free
Returns the number of bicycle posts that are able to receive a bicycle.
- disabled
Returns the number of bicycle posts that are locked or have a locked bicycle attached.
David Landgren, copyright (C) 2007. All rights reserved.
If you (find a) use this module, I'd love to hear about it. If you want to be informed of updates, send me a note. You know my first name, you know my domain. Can you guess my e-mail address?
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