Tk::TabFrame - An alternative to the NoteBook widget : a tabbed geometry manager
use Tk::TabFrame;
$TabbedFrame = $widget->TabFrame
-font => '-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
-tabcurve => 2,
-padx => 5,
-pady => 5,
[normal frame options...],
font - font for tabs
tabcurve - curve to use for top corners of tabs
padx - padding on either side of children
pady - padding above and below children
$CurrentSelection = $l_Window->cget ('-current');
$CurrentSelection = $l_Window->cget ('-raised');
current - (Readonly) currently selected widget
raised - (Readonly) currently selected widget
$child = $TabbedFrame->Frame # can also be Button, Label, etc
-caption => 'Tab label',
-tabcolor => 'yellow',
[widget options...],
caption - label text for the widget's tab
tabcolor - background for the tab button
Values shown above are defaults.
A tabbed frame geometry manager (like NoteBook). I haven't used NoteBook so I can't really say what behaviour differences or similarities there are. This widget uses direct subwidget creation (no Add methods) and has colors for the tabs.
Damion K. Wilson,
Created January 28, 1998
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 472:
=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.