Changes for version 0.20

  • Added inline fielded queries, e.g.: $index->search( field1 => 'field2:this field3:"that phrase" foo bar' ); In previous version, this search could only be represented like this: $index->search( field1 => 'foo bar', field2 => 'this', field3 => '"that phrase"');
  • The advantage of the new syntax is that fields can be combined in arbitary boolean expressions, where previously only the union of the fields was returned. For example:
  • (field1:this OR field2:that) AND (field3:"foo bar" OR field1:foo)
  • Wild and plural search bug fixes
  • Turned proximity search back on, changed syntax. For example, to find "foo" followed by "bar" with 0, 1 or 2 words between: "foo bar"~3


Perl extension for full-text searching in SQL databases


in lib/DBIx/TextIndex/
in lib/DBIx/TextIndex/
in lib/DBIx/TextIndex/
in lib/DBIx/TextIndex/
in lib/DBIx/TextIndex/