Benchmark::DKbench - Perl CPU Benchmark


# Run the suite single-threaded and then multi-threaded on multi-core systems
# Will print scores for the two runs and multi/single thread scalability

# A dual-thread "quick" run (with times instead of scores)
dkbench -j 2 -q

# If BioPerl is installed, enable the BioPerl benchmarks by downloading Genbank data
dkbench --setup

# Force install the reference versions of all CPAN modules
setup_dkbench --force


A Perl benchmark suite for general compute, created to evaluate the comparative performance of systems when running computationally intensive Perl (both pure Perl and C/XS) workloads. It is a good overall indicator for real world generic CPU performance. It runs single and multi-threaded (easily scaling to hundreds of CPUs) and can be fully customized to run the benchmarks that better suit your own scenario.


The only non-CPAN software required to install/run the suite is a build environment (i.e. C compiler, make etc.) for the C/XS modules and perl. On some well known Linux package managers you can do (as root or with sudo):

# Debian/Ubuntu etc
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential perl cpanminus

# CentOS/Redhat
yum update
yum install gcc make patch perl perl-App-cpanminus

After that, you can use App::cpanminus to install the benchmark suite (as root/sudo is the easiest, will install for all users):

cpanm -n Benchmark::DKbench

See the setup_dkbench script below for more on the installation of a couple of optional benchmarks and standardizing your benchmarking environment.


You should only ever need the main script dkbench for the benchmark suite, and, perhaps setup_dkbench can help with setup or standardizing/normalizing your benchmarking environment.


The main script that runs the DKbench benchmark suite. If BioPerl is installed, you may want to start with dkbench --setup. But beyond that, there are many options to control number of threads, iterations, which benchmarks to run etc:

dkbench [options]

--threads <i>, -j <i> : Number of benchmark threads (default is 1).
--multi,       -m     : Multi-threaded using all your CPU cores/threads.
--iter <i>,    -i <i> : Number of suite iterations (with min/max/avg at the end).
--include <regex>     : Run only benchmarks that match regex.
--exclude <regex>     : Do not run benchmarks that match regex.
--time,        -t     : Report time (sec) instead of score.
--quick,       -q     : Quick benchmark run (implies -t).
--no_mce              : Do not run under MCE::Loop (implies -j 1).
--skip_bio            : Skip BioPerl benchmarks.
--skip_timep          : Skip Time::Piece benchmark (see benchmark details).
--skip_prove          : Skip Moose prove benchmark.
--bio_codons          : Run optional BioPerl Codons benchmark (does not scale well).
--sleep <i>           : Sleep for <i> secs after each benchmark.
--setup               : Download the Genbank data to enable the BioPerl tests.
--datapath <path>     : Override the path where the expected benchmark data is found.
--ver <num>           : Skip benchmarks added after the specified version.

The default run (no options) will run all the benchmarks both single-threaded and multi-threaded (using all detected CPU cores/hyperthreads) and show you scores and multi vs single threaded scalability.

The scores are such that a reference CPU (Intel Xeon Platinum 8481C - Sapphire Rapids) would get 1000 on a single core benchmark run using the default software configuration (Linux/Perl 5.36.0/ref CPAN modules).

The multi-thread scalability should approach 100% if each thread runs on a full core (i.e. no SMT), and the core can maintain the clock speed it had on the single-thread runs. Note that the overall scalability is an average of the benchmarks that drops non-scaling outliers (over 2*stdev less than the mean).

The suite will report a Pass/Fail per benchmark. A failure may be caused if you have different CPAN module version installed - this is normal, and you will be warned.

The suite uses MCE::Loop to run on the desired number of parallel threads, although there is an option to disable it, which forces a single-thread run.


Simple installer to check/get the reference versions of CPAN modules and download the Genbank data file required for the BioPerl benchmarks of the DKbench suite.

It assumes that you have some software already installed (see INSTALLATION above), try setup_dkbench --help will give you more details.

setup_dkbench [--force --sudo --test --data=s --help]

--sudo   : Will use sudo for cpanm calls.
--force  : Will install reference CPAN module versions and re-download the genbank data.
--test   : Will run the test suites for the CPAN module (default behaviour is to skip).
--data=s : Data dir path to copy files from. Should not need if you installed DKbench.
--help   : Print this help text and exit.

Running it without any options will fetch the data for the BioPerl tests (similar to dkbench --setup) and use cpanm to install any missing libraries.

Using it with --force will install the reference CPAN module versions, including BioPerl which is not a requirement for DKbench, but enables the BioPerl benchmarks.

The reference Perl and CPAN versions are suggested if you want a fair comparison between systems and also for the benchmark Pass/Fail results to be reliable.


The suite consists of 21 benchmarks. With a successful installation of the DKbench package, 20 will run by default, although the BioPerl Monomers requires BioPerl to be installed and Genbank data to be downloaded (dkbench --setup can do the latter), so you might start with 19 benchmarks running after a standard install.

On MacOS only, the Time::Piece benchmark will be skipped, unless you use --no_mce (making it single-thread only - see why below).

  • Astro : Calculates precession between random epochs and finds the constellation for random equatorial coordinates using Astro::Coord::Precession and Astro::Coord::Constellations respectively.

  • BioPerl Codons : Counts codons on a sample bacterial sequence. Requires BioPerl to be installed. This test does not scale well on multiple threads, so is disabled by default (use --bio_codons) option. Requires data fetched using the --setup option.

  • BioPerl Monomers : Counts monomers on 500 sample bacterial sequences using BioPerl (which needs to be installed). Requires data fetched using the --setup option.

  • CSS::Inliner : Inlines CSS on 2 sample wiki pages using CSS::Inliner.

  • Crypt::JWT : Creates large JSON Web Tokens with RSA and EC crypto keys using Crypt::JWT.

  • DateTime : Creates and manipulates DateTime objects.

  • DBI/SQL : Creates a mock DBI connection (using DBD::Mock) and passes it insert/select statements using SQL::Inserter and SQL::Abstract::Classic. The latter is quite slow at creating the statements, but it is widely used.

  • Digest : Creates MD5, SH1 and SHA-512 digests of a large string.

  • Encode : Encodes/decodes large strings from/to UTF-8/16, cp-1252.

  • HTML::FormatText : Converts HTML to text for 2 sample wiki pages using HTML::FormatText.

  • Imager : Loads a sample image and performs edits/manipulations with Imager, including filters like gaussian, unsharp mask, mandelbrot.

  • JSON::XS : Encodes/decodes random data structures to/from JSON using JSON::XS.

  • Math::DCT : Does 8x8, 18x18 and 32x32 DCT transforms with Math::DCT.

  • Math::MatrixReal : Performs various manipulations on Math::MatrixReal matrices.

  • Moose : Creates Moose objects.

  • Moose prove : Runs 110 tests from the Moose 2.2201 test suite. The least CPU-intensive test (which is why there is the option --no_prove to disable it), most of the time will be spent loading the interpreter and the Moose module for each test, which is behaviour representative of how a Perl test suite runs by default.

  • Primes : Calculates all primes up to 7.5 million. Small number with repeat was chosen to keep low memory (this is a pure Perl function no Math libraries).

  • Regex/Subst : Concatenates 3 wiki pages into a byte string then matches 3 typical regexes (for names, emails, URIs), replaces html tags with their contents (starting with the innermost) and does calls subst a few times.

  • Regex/Subst utf8 : Exactly the same as Regex/Subst, but reads into a utf8 string. Perl version can make a big difference, as Unicode behaviour has changed (old Perl versions are faster but less strict in general).

  • Text::Levenshtein : The edit distance for strings of various lengths (up to 2500) are calculated using Text::Levenshtein::XS and Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::XS.

  • Time::Piece : Creates and manipulates/converts Time::Piece objects. It is disabled by default on MacOS (unless --no_mce is specified), as it runs extremely slow when forked on this platform. In general you may want to skip this benchmark (--skip_timep) if you are comparing different OS platforms.


You will normally not use the Benchmark::DKbench module itself, but here are the exported functions that the dkbench script uses for reference:


my $cores = system_identity();

Prints out software/hardware configuration and returns then number of cores detected.


my %stats = suite_run(\%options);

Runs the benchmark suite given the %options and prints results. Returns a hash with run stats.


calc_scalability(\%options, \%stat_single, \%stat_multi);

Given the %stat_single results of a single-threaded suite_run and %stat_multi results of a multi-threaded run, will calculate and print the multi-thread scalability.


The benchmark suite was created to compare the performance of various cloud offerings. You can see the original perl blog post as well as the 2023 follow-up.

The benchmarks for the first version were more tuned to what I would expect to run on the servers I was testing, to choose the optimal types for the company I was working for. The second version has expanded a bit over that and is friendlier to use.


Some sample DKbench score results from various systems for comparison (all on reference setup with Perl 5.36.0):

CPU                                     Cores/HT   Single   Multi   Scalability
AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650U @ 2.1 (WSL)       6/12       906      4166    38.2% 
Apple M2 Pro @ 3.5 (MacOS)              12/12      1408     12338   73.1%
Ampere Altra @ 3.0 (Linux)              48/48      708      32718   97.7%
Intel Xeon Platinum 8481C @ 2.7 (Linux) 88/176     1000     86055   48.9%
AMD EPYC 7B13 @ 2.45 (Linux)            112/224    956      104536  49.3%


Dimitrios Kechagias, <dkechag at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests either on GitHub (preferred), or on RT (via the email bug-Benchmark-DKbench at or web interface).

I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.



This software is copyright (c) 2021-2023 by Dimitrios Kechagias.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.