Net::Proxmox::VE::Storage - Store object
version 0.33
@storage = $obj->storage();
$storage = $obj->get_storage('storageid');
$ok = $obj->create_storage(%args);
$ok = $obj->create_storage(\%args);
$ok = $obj->delete_storage('storageid');
$ok = $obj->update_storage('storageid', %args);
$ok = $obj->update_storage('storageid', \%args);
This module implements the 'storages' section of the Proxmox API for Net::Proxmox::VE, you should use the API via that module. This documentation is for detailed reference.
To be clear, this module isn't useful as a stand alone piece of software.
String formats that are mentioned herein are done so for convenience and are defined in detail in the Proxmox API documents on the Proxmox project website.
This module doesnt enforce them, it will send whatever garbage you provide straight to the server API. So garbage-in, garbage-out!
Gets a list of storages (aka the a Storage Index)
@storage = $obj->storage();
Gets a single storage's configuration details
$storage = $obj->get_storage('storageid');
storageid is a string in pve-storageid format
Creates a new storage
$ok = $obj->create_storage( %args );
$ok = $obj->create_storage( \%args );
%args may items contain from the following list
- storage
String. The id of the storage you wish to access in pve-storageid format. Required.
- type
Emum. This is the type of storage, options are dir, nfs, lvm, isci. Required.
- base
String. A pve-volume-id, see the PVE documentation. Optional.
- content
String. A pve-storage-content-list. Optional.
- disable
Boolean. See the PVE documetnation. Optional.
- export
String. A pve-storage-path. Optional.
- format
String. A pve-format-path. Optional.
- maxfiles
Integer. See the PVE documentation. Optional.
- nodes
String. A pve-node-list. Optional.
- options
String. A pve-storage-options. Optional.
- path
String. A pve-storage-path. Optional.
- portal
String. A pve-storage-portal-dns. Optional.
- server
String. A pve-storage-server. Optional.
Boolean. See the PVE documentation. Optional.
Deletes a single storage
$ok = $obj->delete_storage('storage')
storage is a string in pve-storage-id format
Updates (sets) a storage's data
$ok = $obj->update_storage( 'storage', %args );
$ok = $obj->update_storage( 'storage', \%args );
storage is a string in pve-storage-id format
%args may items contain from the following list
- content
String. Storage content list. Optional.
- digest
String. Prevent changes if current configuration file has a different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications. Optional.
- disable
Boolean. Disables the storage. Optional.
- format
String. Storage format in pve-storage-format format (see the PVE documentation). Optional.
- maxfiles
Integer. See PVE documentation. Optional.
- nodes
String. List of cluster node names. Optional.
- options
String. Storage options in pve-storage-options format. Optional.
Boolean. See PVE documentation. Optional.
Brendan Beveridge <>, Dean Hamstead <>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Dean Hamstad.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.