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Config::Wild - parse an application configuration file with wildcard keywords


version 2.02


use Config::Wild;
$cfg = Config::Wild->new();
$cfg = Config::Wild->new( $configfile, \%attr );


This module reads key - value data pairs from a file. What sets it apart from other configuration systems is that keys may contain Perl regular expressions, allowing one entry to match multiple requested keys.

Configuration information in the file has the form

key = value

where key is a token which may contain Perl regular expressions surrounded by curly brackets, e.g.

foobar.{\d+}.name = goo

and value is the remainder of the line after any whitespace following the = character is removed.

Keys which contain regular expressions are termed wildcard keys; those without are called absolute keys. Wildcard keys serve as templates to allow grouping of keys which have the same value. For instance, say you've got a set of keys which normally have the same value, but where on occasion you'd like to override the default:

p.{\d+}.foo = goo = flabber

value may reference environment variables or other Config::Wild variables via the following expressions:

  • Environment variables may be accessed via ${var}:

    foo = ${HOME}/foo

    If the variable doesn't exist, the expression is replaced with an empty string.

  • Other Config::Wild variables may be accessed via $(var).

    root = ${HOME}
    foo = $(root)/foo

    If the variable doesn't exist, the expression is replaced with an empty string. Variable expansions can be nested, as in

    root = /root
    branch = $(root)/branch
    tree = $(branch)/tree

    tree will evaluate to /root/branch/tree.

  • Either type of variable may be accessed via $var. In this case, if var is not a Config::Wild variable, it is assumed to be an environment variable. If the variable doesn't exist, the expression is left as is.

Substitutions are made when the value method is called, not when the values are first read in.

Lines which begin with the # character are ignored. There is also a set of directives which alter where and how Config::Wild reads configuration information. Each directive begins with the % character and appears alone on a line in the config file:

%include path

Temporarily interrupt parsing of the current configuration file, and switch the input stream to the file specified via path. See "Finding Configuration Files".

Finding Configuration Files

The dir and path options to the constructor determine where configuration files are searched for. They are optional and may not be specified in combination.

In the following tables:

  • file is the provided path to the configuration file.

  • option = default indicates that neither dir nor path has been specified.

  • The file patterns are,

    /*         absolute path
    ./* ../*   paths relative to the current directory
    *          all other paths
  • In the results,

    cwd        the current working directory
    path       an entry in the path option array

Files loaded via new and load

|         |            file                |
| option  |  /*  |  ./* ../*   |  *        |
| default | file | cwd/file    | cwd/file  |
| path    | file | cwd/file    | path/file |
| dir     | file | dir/file    | dir/file  |

Files included from other files

incdir is the directory containing the file including the new configuration file, e.g. the one with the %include directive.

|         |            file                |
| option  |  /*  |  ./* ../*   |  *        |
| default | file | incdir/file | cwd/file  |
| path    | file | incdir/file | path/file |
| dir     | file | dir/file    | dir/file  |




$cfg = Config::Wild->new( \%attr );
$cfg = Config::Wild->new( $config_file, \%attr );

Create a new Config::Wild object, optionally loading configuration information from a file.

See "Finding Configuration Files" for more information on how configuration files are found.

Additional attributes which modify the behavior of the object may be specified in the passed %attr hash. They may also be specified or modified after object creation using the set_attr method.

The following attributes are available:

UNDEF subroutine reference

This specifies a subroutine to be called when the value of an undefined key is requested. The subroutine is passed the name of the key. It should return a value, which will be returned as the value of the key.

For example,

$cfg = Config::Wild->new( "foo.cnf", { UNDEF => \&undefined_key } );

sub undefined_key
  my $key = shift;
  return 33;

You may also use this to centralize error messages:

sub undefined_key
  my $key = shift;
  die("undefined key requested: $key\n");

To reset this to the default behavior, set UNDEF to undef:

$cfg->set_attr( UNDEF => undef );
dir directory

If specified, the current working directory will be changed to the specified directory before a configuration file is loaded.

See "Finding Configuration Files".

This option may not be combined with the path option.

path paths

An array of paths to search for configuration files.

See "Finding Configuration Files".

This option may not be combined with the dir option.

ExpandWild boolean

If set, when expanding $(var) in key values, var will be matched first against absolute keys, then against wildcard keys. If not set (the default), var is matched only against the absolute keys.


$cfg->load( $file );

Load information from a configuration file into the current object. New configuration values will supersede previous ones, in the following complicated fashion. Absolutely specified keys will overwrite previously absolutely specified values. Since it is difficult to determine whether the set of keys matched by two regular expressions overlap, wildcard keys are pushed onto a last-in first-out (LIFO) list, so that when the application requests a value, it will use search the wildcard keys in reverse order that they were specified.

It throws an exception (as a string) if an error occurred.

See "Finding Configuration Files" for more information on how configuration files are found.


$cfg->load_cmd( \@ARGV );
$cfg->load_cmd( \@ARGV,\%attr );

Parse an array of key-value pairs (possibly command line arguments), and insert them into the list of keys. It can take an optional hash of attributes with the following values:


If true, the keys must already exist. An error will be returned if the key isn't in the absolute list, or doesn't match against the wildcards.

It throws an exception (as a string) if an error occurred.


$cfg->set( $key, $value );

Explicitly set a key to a value. Useful to specify keys that should be available before parsing the configuration file.


$value = $cfg->get( $key );

Return the value associated with a given key. $key is first matched against the absolute keys, then against the wildcards. If no match is made, undef is returned.


$value = $cfg->getbool( $key );

Convert the value associated with a given key to a true or false value using Lingua::Boolean::Tiny. $key is first matched against the absolute keys, then against the wildcards. If no match is made, or the value could not be converted to a truth value, undef is returned.


$cfg->delete( $key );

Delete $key from the list of keys (either absolute or wild) stored in the object. The key must be an exact match. It is not an error to delete a key which doesn't exist.


$exists = $cfg->exists( $key );

Returns non-zero if the given key matches against the list of keys in the object, undef if not.


$cfg->set_attr( \%attr );

Set object attribute. See <L/METHODS/"new"> for a list of attributes.

Keyword-named Accessors Methods

You may access a value by specifying the keyword as the method, instead of using the get() method. The following are equivalent:

# keyword is foo
$foo = $cfg->get( 'foo' );
$foo = $cfg->foo;

If foo doesn't exist, it returns undef.

You can set a value using a similar syntax. The following are equivalent, if the key already exists:

$cfg->set( 'key', $value );
$cfg->key( $value );

If the key doesn't exist, the second statement does nothing.

It is a bit more time consuming to use these methods rather than using set and get.


Config::Wild uses Log::Any to log info level messages during searching and reading configuration files. In the event of an error during searching, reading, and parsing files, it will log error level messages.


For most errors, Config::Wild will croak.

If an error occurs during searching for, reading, or parsing a configuration file, objects in the following classes will be thrown:

  • Config::Wild::Error::exists

  • Config::Wild::Error::read

  • Config::Wild::Error::parse

They stringify into an appropriate error message.


You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the web interface at


Diab Jerius <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007