Mongoose - MongoDB document to Moose object mapper
package Person;
use Moose;
with 'Mongoose::Document';
has 'name' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
package main;
use Mongoose;
my $person = Person->new( name => 'Jack' );
my $person = Person->find_one( { name => 'Jack' } );
say $person->name; # Jack
my $cursor = Person->find( { name => 'Jack' } );
die "Not found" unless defined $cursor;
while ( my $person = $cursor->next ) {
say "You're " . $person->name;
This is a MongoDB to Moose object mapper. This module allows you to use the full power of MongoDB within your Moose classes, without sacrificing MongoDB's power, flexibility and speed.
It's loosely inspired by Ruby's MongoMapper, which is in turn loosely based on the ActiveRecord pattern.
Start by reading the introduction Mongoose::Intro.
Or proceed directly to the Mongoose::Cookbook for many day-to-day recipes.
Since version 0.33 Mongoose support the new MongoDB driver v1.x.x but it still requires the old version 0.708.x which will be recomended for some more releases while I keep working on the internals. On my initial testing Mongoose is notably faster when running on the old version of the driver.
Please let me know if you find anything strange using this new driver.
Sets the current MongoDB connection and/or db name.
Mongoose->db( 'mydb' );
The connection defaults to whatever MongoDB defaults are (typically localhost:27017).
For more control over the connection, db
takes the same parameters as MongoDB::MongoClient.
my $db = Mongoose->db(
host => 'mongodb://somehost:27017',
read_pref_mode => 'secondaryPreferred',
db_name => 'mydb',
username => 'myuser',
password => 'mypass',
ssl => 1
This will, in turn, instantiate a MongoDB::MongoClient and return a MongoDB::Database object for mydb
Important: Mongoose will always defer connecting to Mongo until the last possible moment. This is done to prevent using the MongoDB driver in a forked environment (ie. with a prefork appserver like Starman, Hypnotoad or Catalyst's HTTP::Prefork).
If you prefer to connect while setting the connection string, use one of these options:
Mongoose->db( db_name=>'mydb', -now=>1 ); # connect now
# or by wating for a return value
my $db = Mongoose->db( 'mydb' );
# or explicitly:
Mongoose->db( 'mydb' );
You can separate your classes storage on multiple hosts/databases by calling db() several times:
# Default host/database (connect now!)
my $db = Mongoose->db( 'mydb' );
# Other database for some class (defer connection)
Mongoose->db( db_name => 'my_other_db', class => 'Log' );
# Other database on other host for several classes
db_name => 'my_remote_db',
host => 'mongodb://',
class => [qw/ Author Post /]
Connects to Mongo using the connection arguments passed to the db
Uses Module::Pluggable to require
all modules under a given search path or search dir.
All arguments will be sent to Module::Pluggable's import
, except for Mongoose specific ones.
package main;
use Mongoose;
# to load a schema from a namespace path:
Mongoose->load_schema( search_path=>'MyApp::Schema' );
This method can be used to shorten class names, aliasing them for convenience if you wish:
Mongoose->load_schema( search_path=>'MyApp::Schema', shorten=>1 );
Will shorten the module name to it's last bit:
MyApp::Schema::Author->new( ... );
# becomes
Author->new( ... );
Sets/returns the current connection object, of class MongoDB::MongoClient.
Defaults to whatever MongoDB defaults.
Unsets the Mongoose connection handler.
Keep track of document classes config solving aliasing indirection.
Keep track of aliasing classes. Useful to retrieve full document class from a shortened one.
By default, Mongoose composes the Mongo collection name from your package name by replacing double-colon ::
with underscores _
, separating camel-case, such as aB
with a_b
and uppercase with lowercase letters.
This behaviour can be changed by choosing other named method or by setting the collection naming routine with a closure
as exlained in Mongoose::Role::Naming.
Fork me on github:
This is a WIP, now *beta* quality software.
Report bugs via Github Issue reporting Test cases highly desired and appreciated.
* Better error control
* Finish-up multiple database support
* Allow query->fields to control which fields get expanded into the object.
* Cleanup internals.
* More tests and use cases.
* Better documentation.
Rodrigo de Oliveira (rodrigolive), C<>
Diego Kuperman (diegok)
Arthur Wolf
Solli Moreira Honorio (shonorio)
Michael Gentili (gentili)
Kang-min Liu (gugod)
Allan Whiteford (allanwhiteford)
Kartik Thakore (kthakore)
David Golden (dagolden)
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.