Tie::DNS - Tie interface to Net::DNS
use Tie::DNS;
tie(my %dns, 'Tie::DNS');
print "$dns{''}\n";
print "$dns{''}\n";
Net::DNS is a very complete, extensive and well-written module. It's completeness, however, makes many comman cases uses a bit wordy, code-wise. Tie::DNS is meant to make common DNS operations trivial, and more complex DNS operations easier.
Forward lookup
See Above.
Zone transfer
Get all of the A records from ''. (Sorry if everyone hits your name server testing this module. :-)
tie (%dns, 'Tie::DNS', {'Domain' => ''});
while (my ($name, $ip) = each %dns) {
print "$name = $ip\n";
This obviously requires that your host has zone transfer privileges with a name server hosting that zone. The zone transfer is initiated with the first each, keys or values operation. The tie operation does a SOA query to find the name server for the cited zone.
Fetching multiple records
Pass the configuration parameter of 'multiple' to any Perl true value, and all FETCH values from Tie::DNS will be an array reference of records.
tie (my %dns, 'Tie::DNS', {'multiple' => 'true'});
my $ip_ref = $dns{''};
foreach (@{$ip_ref}) {
print "Address: $_\n";
Fetching records of type besides 'A'
Pass the configuration parameter of 'type' to one of the Net::DNS supported record types causes all FETCHes to get records of that type.
tie (%dns, 'Tie::DNS', { 'multiple' => 'true',
'type' => 'SOA'});
my $ip_ref = $dns{''};
foreach (@{$ip_ref}) {
print "primary nameserver: $_\n";
Here are the most popular types supported:
CNAME - Returns the records canonical name.
A - Returns the records address field.
TXT - Returns the descriptive text.
MX - Returns name of this mail exchange.
NS - Returns the domain name of the nameserver.
PTR - Returns the domain name associated with this record.
SOA - Returns the domain name of the original or
nameserver for this zone.
(The descriptions are right out of the Net::DNS POD.)
See Net::DNS documentation for further information about these types and a comprehensive list of all available types.
Fetching all of the fields associated with a given record type.
tie (%dns, 'Tie::DNS', {'type' => 'SOA'});
my $dns_ref = $dns{''};
foreach my $field (keys %{$dns_ref}) {
print "$field = " . ${$dns_ref}{$field} . "\n";
This code fragment will print all of the SOA fields associated with
The argument 'cache' will cause the DNS results to be cached. The default is no caching. The 'cache' argument is passed through to Tie::Cache. If Tie::Cache cannot be loaded, caching will be disabled. Entries whose DNS TTL has expired will be re-queried automatically.
tie (%dns, 'Tie::DNS', { cache => 100 });
print "$dns{''}\n";
print "$dns{''}\n"; ## cached!
Getting all/different fields associated with a record
tie (%dns, 'Tie::DNS', {'all_fields' => 'true'});
my $dns_ref = $dns{''};
print $dns_ref->{'ttl'}, "\n";
Passing arguments to Net::DNS::Resolver->new()
tie my %from_localhost, "Tie::DNS", { resolver_args => { nameservers => [''] } };
print "$from_localhost{'test.local'}\n";
You can pass arbitrary arguments to the Net::DNS::Resolver constructor by setting the resolver_args
argument. In the example above, an alternative nameserver is used instead of the default one.
Changing various arguments to the tie on the fly
tie (%dns, 'Tie::DNS', {'type' => 'SOA'});
print $dns{''} . "\n";
tied(%dns)->args({'type' => 'A'});
print $dns{''} . "\n";
This code fragment first does an SOA query for, and then changes the default mode to A queries, and displays that.
Simple Dynamic Updates
Assign into the hash, key DNS name, value IP address, to add a record to the zone in the domain argument. For instance:
tie (%dns, 'Tie::DNS', {
'domain' => 'realms.lan',
'multiple' => 'true'});
$dns{'food.realms.lan.'} = '';
foreach (@{$dns{'food'}}) {
print " $_\n";
Returns the last error, either from Tie::DNS or Net::DNS
Returns the root name server.
Returns the results of a forward lookup.
Returns the results of a reverse lookup.
Change various arguments to the tie on the fly.
This 0.62 release supports the basic functionality of Net::DNS. The 1.0 release will support the following:
Different access methods for forward and reverse lookups.
The 2.0 release will strive to support DNS security options.
Dana M. Diederich <>
kevin Brintnall <> for Caching patch Alvar Freude <> for arguments to resolver patch
BUGS zone transfers aren't yet supported.
Patches, flames, opinions, enhancement ideas are all welcome.