Control files define the format of data files. Each line specifies a field in the data file:
The field name.
Whether the field is nullable.
Validation rules. These are only required by the validate plugin.
Example Control File
custname N varchar(20)
cost Y integer
phone Y qr/^\d{3}-\d{4}$/
city N qr/^(Auckland|Wellington)$/
rec_date N date(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
period N integer;range(1,50)
custname is mandatory, and can be up to 20 characters in length.
cost is optional and is an integer.
The phone number is optional, but if it exists it must match the specified regular expression.
The city is mandatory must be either Auckland or Wellington.
The rec_date must comply with the specified POSIX date format.
The period must be an integer, and must be between one and fifty.
A field can have multiple rules, each separated by a semi-colon. The possible rules are:
varchar(n). A variable number of characters, up to the value of n. Example: varchar(200).
integer. An integer value. Example: 500.
float. A floating point number. Example: 3.14.
date(posix format). A date or date and time in the specified format. Example: date(%d-%B-%Y).
range(lower, upper). The value is a numeric and must be between the upper and lower bounds. Example: range(1,12) - between 1 and 12; range(,50) - there is no lower bound, but the upper value is 50; range(0,) - the minimum value is 0, and there us no maximum value.
qr//. A regular expression. Example: qr/!^[A-Z]\d/.