App::Rssfilter::FromHash - a role for creating App::Rssfilter objects from a configuration hash
version 0.01
package Cool::Name;
use Role::Tiny::With;
with 'App::Rssfilter::FromHash';
sub new { ... }
sub add_group { ... }
sub add_feed { ... }
sub add_rule { ... }
my $cool_name = Cool::Name->from_hash(
name => 'some group',
rules => [
# add_rule will be called with ...
keyvalue_pair => 'some value',
# then ...
this_hashref => 'of options',
with_multiple => 'keys and values',
# and then ...
feeds => [
# same as rules above
# mix elements as you please
keyword_pair_for_first_feed => 'and value',
keyword_pair_for_second_feed => 'with different value',
feed_option1 => 'more key-value pairs',
feed_option2 => 'which will be passed as arguments',
feed_option3 => 'for the third call to add_feed',
groups => [
name => 'a subgroup',
# subgroups can have their own feeds, rules, and subgroups
feeds => [ ... ],
rules => [ ... ],
groups => [ ... ],
name => 'another subgroup',
feeds => [ ... ],
rules => [ ... ],
groups => [ ... ],
This role will extend its receiving class with a "from_hash" method. It requires that the receiver has add_group
, add_feed
, and add_rule
methods, and accepts a name
attribute to its constructor.
my $receiver_instance = Receiver::Class->from_hash( %config );
Create a new instance of the receiving class (using $config{name}
as its name), then walk the hash to create subgroups and add feeds or rules to it (or its subgroups).
The hash may have four elements:
- name of this groupgroups
- arrayref of hashrefs for subgroups, same schema as the original hashfeeds
- arrayref of feeds to fetchrules
- arrayref of rules to apply
Bare scalars in feeds
will be collected into key-value pairs; everything else will be mapped onto the receiver's add_feed
. Likewise for rules
my @arguments_for_ctor_in_arrayrefs = $receiving_instance->split_for_ctor( @args );
Returns the elements of @args
partitioned into arrayrefs, whose contents are suitable arguments for a Moose-y constructor. Collects bare scalars in @args
with their following element into key-value pairs; arrayrefs & hashrefs are dereferenced; everthing else is taken as-is.
Daniel Holz <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Daniel Holz.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.