TPath - general purpose path languages for trees


version 0.010


# we define our trees
package MyTree;

use overload '""' => sub {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $tag      = $self->{tag};
    my @children = @{ $self->{children} };
    return "<$tag/>" unless @children;
    local $" = '';

sub new {
    my ( $class, %opts ) = @_;
    die 'tag required' unless $opts{tag};
    bless { tag => $opts{tag}, children => $opts{children} // [] }, $class;

sub add {
    my ( $self, @children ) = @_;
    push @{ $self->{children} }, $_ for @children;

# teach TPath::Forester how to get the information it needs
package MyForester;
use Moose;
use MooseX::MethodAttributes;    # needed for @tag attribute below
with 'TPath::Forester';

# implement required methods

sub children {
    my ( $self, $n ) = @_;
    @{ $n->{children} };

sub tag : Attr {                 # also an attribute!
    my ( $self, $n ) = @_;

package main;

# make the tree
#      a
#     /|\
#    / | \
#   b  c  \
#  /\  |   d
#  e f |  /|\
#      h / | \
#     /| i j  \
#    l | | |\  \
#      m n o p  \
#     /|    /|\  \
#    s t   u v w  k
#                / \
#               q   r
#                  / \
#                 x   y
#                     |
#                     z
my %nodes = map { $_ => MyTree->new( tag => $_ ) } 'a' .. 'z';
$nodes{a}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(b c d)};
$nodes{b}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(e f)};
$nodes{c}->add( $nodes{h} );
$nodes{d}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(i j k)};
$nodes{h}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(l m)};
$nodes{i}->add( $nodes{n} );
$nodes{j}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(o p)};
$nodes{k}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(q r)};
$nodes{m}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(s t)};
$nodes{p}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(u v w)};
$nodes{r}->add($_) for @nodes{qw(x y)};
$nodes{y}->add( $nodes{z} );
my $root = $nodes{a};

# make our forester
my $rhood = MyForester->new;

# index our tree (not necessary, but efficient)
my $index = $rhood->index($root);

# try out some paths
my @nodes = $rhood->path('//r')->select( $root, $index );
print scalar @nodes, "\n";    # 1
print $nodes[0], "\n";        # <r><x/><y><z/></y></r>
print $_
  for $rhood->path('leaf::*[@tag > "o"]')->select( $root, $index )
  ;                           # <s/><t/><u/><v/><w/><q/><x/><z/>
print "\n";
print $_->{tag}
  for $rhood->path('//*[@tsize = 3]')->select( $root, $index );    # bm
print "\n";
@nodes = $rhood->path('/>~[bh-z]~')->select( $root, $index );
print $_->{tag} for @nodes;                                        # bhijk
print "\n";

# we can map nodes back to their parents
@nodes = $rhood->path('//*[parent::~[adr]~]')->select( $root, $index );
print $_->{tag} for @nodes;                                        # bcijxykd
print "\n";


TPath provides an XPath-like language for arbitrary trees. You implement a minimum of two methods -- children and tag -- and then you can explore your trees via concise, declarative paths.

In TPath, "attributes" are node attributes of any sort and are implemented as methods that return these attributes, or undef if the attribute is undefined for the node.

The object in which the two required methods are implemented is a "forester" (TPath::Forester), something that understands your trees. In general to use TPath you instantiate a forester and then call the forester's methods.

Forester objects make use of an index (TPath::Index), which caches information not present in, or not cheaply from, the nodes themselves. If no index is explicitly provided it is created, but one can gain some efficiency by reusing an index when select paths from a tree. One can use a forester's index method to produce a TPath::Index.

The paths themselves are compiled into reusable TPath::Expression objects that can be applied to multiple trees. One use's a forester's path method to produce a TPath::Expression.


TPath works by representing an expression as a pipeline of selectors and filters. Each pair of a selector and some set of filters is called a "step". At each step one has a set of context nodes. One applies the selectors to each context node, returning a candidate node set, and then one passes these candidates through the filtering predicates. The remainder becomes the context node set for the next step. If this is the last step, the surviving candidates are the nodes selected by the expression. A node will only occur once among those returned and the order of their return will be the order of their discovery. Search is depth-first post-ordered -- children returned before parents.



A tpath expression has one or more sub-paths.


Sub-paths are separated by the pipe symbol | and optional space.

The nodes selected by a path is the union of the nodes selected by each sub-path in the order of their discovery. The search is left-to-right and depth first. If a node and its descendants are both selected, the descendants will be listed first.



Each step consists of a separator (optional on the first step), a tag selector, and optionally some number of predicates.



null separator


The null separator is simply the absence of a separator and can only occur before the first step. It means "relative to the context node". Thus is it essentially the same as the file path formalism, where /a means the file a in the root directory and a means the file a in the current directory.



The single slash separator means "search among the context node's children", or if it precedes the first step it means that the context node is the root node.

// select among descendants


The double slash separator means "search among the descendants of the context node" or, if the context node is the root, "search among the root node and its descendants".

/> select closest


The /> separator means "search among the descendants of the context node (or the context node and its descendants if the context node is root), but omit from consideration any node dominated by a node matching the selector". Written out like this this may be confusing, but it is a surprisingly useful separator. Consider the following tree

 / \
b   a
|   | \
a   b  a
|      |
b      b

The expression />b when applied to the root node will select all the b nodes except the leftmost leaf b, which is screened from the root by its grandparent b node. That is, going down any path from the context node />b will match the first node it finds matching the selector -- the matching node closest to the context node.


Selectors select a candidate set for later filtering by predicates.



A literal selector selects the nodes whose tag matches, in a tree-appropriate sense of "match", a literal expression.

Any string may be used to represent a literal selector, but certain characters may have to be escaped with a backslash. The expectation is that the literal with begin with a word character, _, or $ and any subsequent character is either one of these characters, a number character or a hyphen or colon followed by one of these or number character. The escape character, as usual, is a backslash. Any unexpected character must be escaped. So


represents the literal a\b.

~a~ regex


A regex selector selects the nodes whose tag matches a regular expression delimited by tildes. Within the regular expression a tilde must be escaped, of course. A tilde within a regular expression is represented as a pair of tildes. The backslash, on the other hand, behaves as it normally does within a regular expression.

@a attribute

Any attribute may be used as a selector so long as it is preceded by something other than the null separator -- in other words, @ cannot be the first character in a path. This is because attributes may take arguments and among other things these arguments can be both expressions and other attributes. If @foo were a legitimate path expression it would be ambiguous how to compile @bar(@foo). Is the argument an attribute or a path with an attribute selector. You can produce the effect of an attribute selector with the null separator, however, in two ways


the second of these will be normalized in parsing to precisely what one would expect with a @foo path.

complement selectors

The ^ character before a literal, regex, or attribute selector will convert it into an attribute selector.


Complement selectors select nodes not selected by the unmodified selector; //^foo will select any node without the foo tag, and so forth.

* wildcard

The wildcard selector selects all the nodes an the relevant axis. The default axis is child, so //b/* will select all the children of b nodes.


To illustrate the nodes on various axes I will using the following tree, showing which nodes are selected from the tree relative the the c node. Selected nodes will be in capital letters.

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q
      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     C     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g H I J l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g H I J l m n
  |     |     |
  o     P     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     C     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g H I J l m n
  |     |     |
  o     P     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     D
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j L M N
  |     |     |
  o     p     Q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     D
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g H i J l m n
  |     |     |
  o     P     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  B     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
E F G h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  O     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  B     c     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  b     C     d
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  B     c     D
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q

      / | \
     /  |  \
    /   |   \
   /    |    \
  B     C     D
 /|\   /|\   /|\
e f g h i j l m n
  |     |     |
  o     p     q


//a/b[0]/>c[@d][@e < 'string'][@f or @g]
//a/b[0]/>c[@d][@e < 'string'][@f or @g]
//a/b[0]/>c[@d][@e < 'string'][@f or @g]
//a/b[0]/>c[@d][@e < 'string'][@f or @g]

Predicates are the sub-expressions in square brackets after selectors. They represents tests that filter the candidate nodes selected by the selectors.

There may be space inside the square brackets.

Index Predicates


An index predicate simply selects the indexed item out of a list of candidates. The first index is 0, unlike in XML, so the expression above selects the first bar under every foo.

The index rules are the same as those for Perl arrays: 0 is the first item; negative indices count from the end, so -1 retrieves the last item.

Path Predicates


A path predicate is true if the node set it selects starting at the context node is not empty. Given the tree

 / \
b   a
|   |
a   b

the path //a[b] would select only the two non-leaf a nodes.

Attribute Predicates


An attribute predicate is true if its context node bears the given attribute. (For the definition of attributes, see below.) Given the tree

 / \
b   a
|   |
a   b

the path //a[@leaf] would select only the leaf a nodes.

Attribute Tests

Attribute tests are predicaters which compare attributes to literals, numbers, or other attributes.

equality and inequality

a[@b = 1]
a[@b = "c"]
a[@b = @c]
a[@b == @c]
a[@b != @c]


a[@b < 1]
a[@b < "c"]
a[@b < @c]
a[@b > 1]
a[@b <= 1]


a[@b =~ '(?<!c)d']
a[@b !~ '(?<!c)d']
a[@b =~ @c]

If you wish to test a path instead of an attribute -- to test against the cardinality of the node set collected, say -- you can use the @echo attribute. This attribute returns the value of its parameter, thus converting anything that can be the parameter of an attribute, including expressions, into attributes.

TODO: complete this section by describing the definitions of equality and rank used.

Boolean Predicates

Boolean predicates combine various terms -- attributes, attribute tests, or tpath expressions -- via boolean operators:

! or not

True iff the attribute is undefined, the attribute test returns false, the expression returns no nodes, or the boolean expression is false.

& or and

True iff all conjoined operands are true.

|| or or

True iff any of the conjoined operands is true.

Note that boolean or is two pipe characters. This is to disambiguate the path expression a|b from the boolean expression a||b.

` or one

True if one and only one of the conjoined operands is true. The expression

@a ` @b

behaves like ordinary exclusive or. But if more than two operands are conjoined this way, the entire expression is a uniqueness test.

( ... )

Groups the contained boolean operations. True iff they evaluate to true.

The normal precedence rules of logical operators applies to these:

() < ! < & < ` < ||

Space is required around operators only where necessary to prevent their being interpreted as part of a path or attribute.


//foo[@bar(1, 'string', path, @attribute, @attribute = 'test')]

Attributes identify callbacks that evaluate the context node to see whether the respective attribute is defined for it. If the callback returns a defined value, the predicate is true and the candidate is accepted; otherwise, it is rejected.

As the second example above demonstrates, attributes may take arguments and these arguments may be numbers, strings, paths, other attributes, or attribute tests (see below). Paths are evaluated relative to the candidate node being tested, as are attributes and attribute tests. A path arguments represents the nodes selected by this path relative to the candidate node.

Attribute parameters are enclosed within parentheses. Within these parentheses, they are delimited by commas. Space is optional around parameters.

For the standard attribute set available to all expressions, see TPath::Attributes::Standard. For the extended set that can be composed in, see TPath::Attributes::Extended. There are various ways one can add bespoke attributes but the easiest is to add them to an individual forester via the add_attribute method:

my $forester = MyForester->new;
$forester->add_attribute( 'foo' => sub {
   my ( $self, $node, $index, $collection, @params) = @_;

Other methods are to defined them as annotated methods of the forester

sub foo :Attr {
	 my ( $self, $node, $index, $collection, @params) = @_;

If this would cause a namespace collision or is not a possible method name, you can provide the attribute name as a parameter of the method attribute:

sub foo :Attr(problem:name) {
	 my ( $self, $node, $index, $collection, @params) = @_;

Defining attributes as annotated methods is particularly useful if you wish to create an attribute library that you can mix into various foresters. In this case you define the attributes within a role instead of the forester itself.

package PimpedForester;
use Moose;
extends 'TPath::Forester';
with qw(TheseAttributes ThoseAttributes YonderAttributes Etc);
sub tag { ... }
sub children { ... }

Special Selectors

There are three special selectors that cannot occur with predicates and may only be preceded by the / or null separators.

. : Select Self

This is an abbreviation for self::*.

.. : Select Parent

This is an abbreviation for parent::*.

:id(foo) : Select By Index

This selector selects the node, if any, with the given id. This same node can also be selected by //*[@id = 'foo'] but this is much less efficient.

:root : Select Root

This expression selects the root of the tree. It doesn't make much sense except as the first step in an expression.

Grouping and Repetition

TPath expressions may contain sub-paths consisting of grouped alternates and steps or sub-paths may be quantified as in regular expressions


The last expression, {,3}, one does not see in regular expressions. It is the short form of {0,3}.

Despite this similarity it should be remembered that TPath expression differ from regular expressions in that they always return all possible matches, not just the first match discovered or, for those regular expression engines that provide longest token matching or other optimality criteria, the optimal match. On the other hand, the first node selected will correspond to the first match using greedy repetition. And if you have optimality criteria you are free to re-rank the nodes selected and pick the first node by this ranking.

Hiding Nodes

In some cases there may be nodes -- spaces, comments, hidden directories and files -- that you want your expressions to treat as invisible. To do this you add invisibility tests to the forester object that generates expressions.

my $forester = MyForester->new;
$forester->add_test( sub {
   my ($forester, $node, $index) = @_;
   ... # return true if the node should be invisible

One can put this in the forester's BUILD method to make them invisible to all instances of the class.

Potentially Confusing Dissimilarities Between TPath and XPath

For most uses, where TPath and XPath provide similar functionality they will behave identically. Where you may be led astray is in the semantics of separators beginning paths.


In both TPath and XPath, when applied to the root of a tree the first expression will select the root itself if this root has the tag foo and the second will select all foo nodes, including the root if it bears this tag. This is notably different from the behavior of the second step in each path. The second /foo will select a foo child of the root node, not the root node itself, and the second //foo will select foo descendants of other foo nodes, not the nodes themselves.

Where the two formalisms may differ is in the nodes they return when these paths are applied to some sub-node. In XPath, /foo always refers to the root node, provided this is a foo node. In TPath it always refers to the node the path is applied to, provided it is a foo node. (TODO: confirm this for XPath.) In XPath, if you require that the first step refer to the root node you must use the root selector :root. If you also require that this node bear the tag foo you must combine the root selector with the self:: axis.


This is verbose, but then this is not likely to be a common requirement.

The TPath semantics facilitate the implementation of repetition, which is absent from XPath.


I wrote TPath initially in Java ( because I wanted a more convenient way to select nodes from parse trees. I've re-written it in Perl because I figured it might be handy and why not?


Thanks to Damian Conway for Regexp::Grammars, which makes it pleasant to write complicated parsers, and the Moose Cabal, who make it pleasant to write elaborate object oriented Perl. Without the use of roles I don't think I would have tried this.


David F. Houghton <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by David F. Houghton.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.