App::JobLog::Command::info - provides general App::JobLog information
version 1.027
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job help info
job info
Describes application and provides usage information.
-q --quiet minimal documentation
-v --man --verbose extensive documentation in pager
--help this usage screen
The synopsis says it all. For command specific help you should try the help command:
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job help summary
job summary [-iMmTtV] [long options...] <date or date range>
List events with certain properties in a particular time range. Only the portions
of events falling within the range will be listed.
Events may be filtered in numerous ways: by tag, time of day, or terms used in descriptions.
If tags to match are provided, only those events that contain at least one such tag will be shown. If
tags not to match are provided, only those events that contain none of these tags will be shown.
if you provide description filters to match or avoid, these will be interpreted as regexes. try 'perldoc perlre'
This module is basically a number of globs of POD munged a bit, concatenated in various ways, and passed to Pod::Usage.
Pod::Usage, App::JobLog::Command::help
David F. Houghton <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by David F. Houghton.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.