The following documentation is automatically generated. Please do not edit this file, but rather the original, inline with Myriad::Transport::Redis at lib/Myriad/Transport/ (on the system that originally ran this). If you do edit this file, and don't want your changes to be removed, make sure you change the first line.

  • stream handling functionality, including claiming/pending

  • get/set and observables

  • sorted sets

  • hyperloglog existence

  • simple queues via lists

  • pub/sub

This module is responsible for namespacing, connection handling and clustering. It should also cover retry for stateless calls.


Time to wait for items, in milliseconds.


Number of items to allow per batch (pending / readgroup calls).




Check the last id that has been processed by all the consumer groups in the given stream.


Given two IDs, compare them as if doing a <=> numeric comparison.


Given a stream ID, returns the next ID after it. This is managed by the simple expedient of incrementing the right-hand part of the identifier.


Deal with incoming requests via a stream.

Returns a Ryu::Source which emits Myriad::Redis::Pending items.


Clear up old entries from a stream when it grows too large.


Check for any pending items, claiming them for reprocessing as required.

Takes the following named parameters:

  • stream - the stream name

  • group - which consumer group to check

  • client - the name of the client to check

Returns a Ryu::Source for the pending items in this stream.


Create a Redis consumer group if it does NOT exist.

It'll also send the MKSTREAM option to create the stream if it doesn't exist.

  • stream - The name of the stream we want to attach the group to.

  • group - The group name.

  • start_from - The id of the message that is going to be considered the start of the stream for this group's point of view by default it's $ which means the last message.


Return information about the pending messages for a stream and a consumer group.

This currently just execute XPENDING without any filtering.

  • stream - The name of the stream we want to check.

  • group - The consumers group name that we want to check.


Return the length of a given stream


Returns a Redis connection either from a pool of connection or a new one. With the possibility of waiting to get one, if all connection were busy and we maxed out our limit.


This puts back a redis connection into Redis pool, so it can be used by other called. It should be called at the end of every usage, as on_ready.

It should also be possible with a try/finally combination.. but that's currently failing with the $redis_pool slot not being defined.

  • $instance - Redis connection, to be returned.


Resolves to a new Net::Async::Redis or Net::Async::Redis::Cluster instance, depending on the setting of $use_cluster.


Acknowledge a message from a Redis stream.

  • stream - The stream name.

  • group - The group name.

  • message_id - The id of the message we want to acknowledge.


Publish a message through a Redis channel (pub/sub system)

  • channel - The channel name.

  • message - The message we want to publish (string).


Subscribe to a redis channel.



add_child, adopt_future, adopted_futures, can_event, children, configure_unknown, debug_printf, get_loop, invoke_error, invoke_event, loop, make_event_cb, maybe_invoke_event, maybe_make_event_cb, notifier_name, parent, remove_child, remove_from_parent




Deriv Group Services Ltd.


Copyright Deriv Group Services Ltd 2020-2021. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.