Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS - Interface to HAFAS-based online arrival/departure monitors


use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS;

my $status = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new(
	station => 'Essen Hbf',

if (my $err = $status->errstr) {
	die("Request error: ${err}\n");

for my $departure ($status->results) {
		"At %s: %s to %s from platform %s\n",


version 4.16


Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS is an interface to HAFAS-based arrival/departure monitors using the mgate.exe interface.

It can report departures/arrivals at a specific station, search for stations, or provide details about a specific journey. It supports non-blocking operation via promises.


my $status = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new(%opt)

Requests item(s) as specified by opt and returns a new Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS element with the results. Dies if the wrong opt were passed.

opt must contain either a station, geoSearch, locationSearch, or journey flag:

station => station

Request station board (arrivals or departures) for station, e.g. "Essen HBf" or "Alfredusbad, Essen (Ruhr)". The station must be specified either by name or by EVA ID (e.g. 8000080 for Dortmund Hbf). Results are available via $status->results.

geoSearch => { lat => latitude, lon => longitude }

Search for stations near latitude, longitude. Results are available via $status->results.

locationSearch => query

Search for stations whose name is similar to query. Results are available via $status->results.

journey => { id => tripid [, name => line ] }

Request details about the journey identified by tripid and line. The result is available via $status->result.

The following optional flags may be set. Values in brackets indicate flags that are only relevant in certain request modes, e.g. geoSearch or journey.

arrivals => bool (station)

Request arrivals (if bool is true) rather than departures (if bool is false or arrivals is not specified).

cache => Cache::File object

Store HAFAS replies in the provided cache object. This module works with real-time data, so the object should be configured for an expiry of one to two minutes.

datetime => DateTime object (station)

Date and time to report for. Defaults to now.

excluded_mots => [mot1, mot2, ...] (geoSearch, station)

By default, all modes of transport (trains, trams, buses etc.) are returned. If this option is set, all modes appearing in mot1, mot2, ... will be excluded. The supported modes depend on service, use get_services or get_service to get the supported values.

exclusive_mots => [mot1, mot2, ...] (geoSearch, station)

If this option is set, only the modes of transport appearing in mot1, mot2, ... will be returned. The supported modes depend on service, use get_services or get_service to get the supported values.

lookahead => int (station)

Request arrivals/departures that occur up to int minutes after the specified datetime. Default: -1 (do not limit results by time).

lwp_options => \%hashref

Passed on to LWP::UserAgent->new. Defaults to { timeout => 10 }, pass an empty hashref to call the LWP::UserAgent constructor without arguments.

results => count (geoSearch, locationSearch, station)

Request up to count results. Default: 30.

service => service

Request results from service, defaults to "DB". See get_services (and hafas-m --list) for a list of supported services.

with_polyline => bool (journey)

Request a polyline (series of geo-coordinates) indicating the train's route.

my $status_p = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new_p(%opt)

Returns a promise that resolves into a Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS instance ($status) on success and rejects with an error message on failure. If the failure occured after receiving a response from the HAFAS backend, the rejected promise contains a Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS instance as a second argument. This instance can be used e.g. to call similar_stops_p in case of an ambiguous location specifier. In addition to the arguments of new, the following mandatory arguments must be set.

promise => promises module

Promises implementation to use for internal promises as well as new_p return value. Recommended: Mojo::Promise(3pm).

user_agent => user agent

User agent instance to use for asynchronous requests. The object must implement a post_p function. Recommended: Mojo::UserAgent(3pm).


In case of an error in the HAFAS backend, returns the corresponding error code as string. If no backend error occurred, returns undef.


In case of an error in the HTTP request or HAFAS backend, returns a string describing it. If no error occurred, returns undef.

$status->results (geoSearch, locationSearch)

Returns a list of stations. Each list element is a Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Stop(3pm) object.

If no matching results were found or the parser / http request failed, returns an empty list.

$status->results (station)

Returns a list of arrivals/departures. Each list element is a Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey(3pm) object.

If no matching results were found or the parser / http request failed, returns undef.

$status->result (journey)

Returns a single Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey(3pm) object that describes the requested journey.

If no result was found or the parser / http request failed, returns undef.


Returns a list of Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Message(3pm) objects with service messages. Each message belongs to at least one arrival/departure.


Returns a hashref describing the departure stations in all requested journeys. The hashref contains four entries: names (station names), name (most common name), evas (UIC / EVA IDs), and eva (most common UIC / EVA ID). These are subject to change.

Note that the most common name and ID may be different from the station for which departures were requested, as HAFAS uses different identifiers for train stations, bus stops, and other modes of transit even if they are interlinked.

Not available in journey mode.


Returns a list of hashrefs describing stops whose name is similar to the one requested in the constructor's station parameter. Returns nothing if the active service does not support this feature. This is most useful if errcode returns 'LOCATION', which means that the HAFAS backend could not identify the stop.

See Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder(3pm)'s results method for details on the return value.


Returns a promise resolving to a list of hashrefs describing stops whose name is similar to the one requested in the constructor's station parameter. Returns nothing if the active service does not support this feature. This is most useful if errcode returns 'LOCATION', which means that the HAFAS backend could not identify the stop.

See Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder(3pm)'s results method for details on the resolved values.

If $status has been created using new_p, this function does not require arguments. Otherwise, the caller must specify promise and user_agent (see new_p above).


Returns a hashref describing the active service when a service is active and nothing otherwise. The hashref contains the keys url (URL to the station board service), stopfinder (URL to the stopfinder service, if supported), name, and productbits (arrayref describing the supported modes of transport, may contain duplicates).


Returns an array containing all supported HAFAS services. Each element is a hashref and contains all keys mentioned in get_active_service. It also contains a shortname key, which is the service name used by the constructor's service parameter.


Returns a hashref describing the service $service. Returns nothing if $service is not supported. See get_active_service for the hashref layout.




  • Class::Accessor(3pm)

  • DateTime(3pm)

  • DateTime::Format::Strptime(3pm)

  • LWP::UserAgent(3pm)


The non-default services (anything other than DB) are not well tested.


Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey(3pm), Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder(3pm).


Copyright (C) 2015-2022 by Birte Kristina Friesel <>


This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.