Changes for version 1.121550 - 2012-06-02
- Added 32 hex digits to API Key per AtD Documentation
- Added get_error_count() to Results.
- Fixes for Bug 77309:
- Added throttle & last_call properties to AtD. Seems the service doesn't like being called less than two seconds apart.
- Replaced Exceptions with Carp. Exceptions will be implemented in a later release.
Provides an OO wrapper for After the Deadline grammar and spelling service.
Encapsulates the grammar/spelling/style Errors contained in Results.
Exception classes for Lingua::AtD
Encapsulates the grammar/spelling/style/statistical Metrics contained in Scores.
Encapsulate conversion of XML from /checkDocument or /checkGrammar call to Error objects.
Encapsulate conversion of XML from /stats call to Metric objects.