File::Cache - Share data between processes via filesystem
File::Cache is a perl module that implements an object storage space where data is persisted across process boundaries via the filesystem.
use File::Cache;
# create a cache in the default namespace, where objects
# do not expire
my $cache = new File::Cache();
# create a user-private cache in the specified
# namespace, where objects will expire in one day, and
# will automatically be removed from the cache.
my $cache = new File::Cache( { namespace => 'MyCache',
expires_in => 86400,
filemode => 0600 } );
# create a public cache in the specified namespace,
# where objects will expire in one day, but will not be
# removed from the cache automatically.
my $cache = new File::Cache( { namespace => 'MyCache',
expires_in => 86400,
username => 'shared_user',
auto_remove_stale => 0,
filemode => 0666 } );
# create a cache readable by the user and the user's
# group in the specified namespace, where objects will
# expire in one day, but may be removed from the cache
# earlier if the size becomes more than a megabyte. Also,
# request that the cache use subdirectories to increase
# performance of large number of objects
my $cache = new File::Cache( { namespace => 'MyCache',
expires_in => 86400,
max_size => 1048576,
username => 'shared_user',
filemode => 0660,
cache_depth => 3 } );
# store a value in the cache (will expire in one day)
$cache->set("key1", "value1");
# retrieve a value from the cache
# retrieve a stale value from the cache.
# (Undefined behavior if auto_remove_stale is 1)
# store a value that expires in one hour
$cache->set("key2", "value2", 3600);
# reduce the cache size to 3600 bytes
# clear this cache's contents
# delete all namespaces from the filesystem
A typical scenario for this would be a mod_perl or perl CGI application. In a multi-tier architecture, it is likely that a trip from the front-end to the database is the most expensive operation, and that data may not change frequently. Using this module will help keep that data on the front-end.
Consider the following usage in a mod_perl application, where a mod_perl application serves out images that are retrieved from a database. Those images change infrequently, but we want to check them once an hour, just in case.
my $imageCache = new Cache( { namespace => 'Images', expires_in => 3600 } );
my $image = $imageCache->get("the_requested_image");
if (!$image) {
# $image = [expensive database call to get the image]
$imageCache->set("the_requested_image", $image);
That bit of code, executed in any instance of the mod_perl/httpd process will first try the filesystem cache, and only perform the expensive database call if the image has not been fetched before, has timed out, or the cache has been cleared.
The current implementation of this module automatically removes expired items from the cache when the get() method is called and the auto_remove_stale setting is true. Automatic removal does not occur when the set() method is called, which means that the cache can become polluted with expired items if many items are stored in the cache for short periods of time, and are rarely accessed. This is a design decision that favors efficiency in the common case, where items are accessed frequently. If you want to limit cache growth, see the max_size option, which will automatically shrink the cache when the set() method is called. (max_size is unaffected by the value of auto_remove_stale.)
Be careful that you call the purge method periodically if auto_remove_stale is 0 and max_size has its default value of unlimited size. In this configuration, the cache size will be a function of the number of items inserted into the cache since the last purge. (i.e. It can grow extremely large if you put lots of different items in the cache.)
- new(\%options)
Creates a new instance of the cache object. The constructor takes a reference to an options hash which can contain any or all of the following:
- $options{namespace}
Namespaces provide isolation between objects. Each cache refers to one and only one namespace. Multiple caches can refer to the same namespace, however. While specifying a namespace is not required, it is recommended so as not to have data collide.
- $options{expires_in}
If the "expires_in" option is set, all objects in this cache will be cleared in that number of seconds. It can be overridden on a per-object basis. If expires_in is not set, the objects will never expire unless explicitly set.
- $options{cache_key}
The "cache_key" is used to determine the underlying filesystem namespace to use. In typical usage, leaving this unset and relying on namespaces alone will be more than adequate.
- $options{username}
The "username" is used to explicitely set the username. This is useful for cases where one wishes to share a cache among multiple users. If left unset, the value will be the current user's username. (Also see $options{filemode}.) Note that the username is not used to set ownership of the cache files -- the i.e. the username does not have to be a user of the system.
- $options{filemode}
"filemode" specifies the permissions for cache files. This is useful for cases where one wishes to share a cache among multiple users. If left unset, the value will be "u", indicating that only the current user can read an write the cache files. See the filemode() method documentation for the specification syntax.
- $options{max_size}
"max_size" specifies the maximum size of the cache, in bytes. Cache entries are removed during the set() operation in order to reduce the cache size before the new cache value is added. See the reduce_size() documentation for the cache entry removal policy. The max_size will be maintained regardless of the value of auto_remove_stale.
- $options(auto_remove_stale}
"auto_remove_stale" specifies that the cache should remove expired objects from the cache when they are requested.
- $options(cache_depth}
"cache_depth" specifies the depth of the subdirectories that should be created. This is helpful when especially large numbers of objects are being cached (>1000) at once. The optimal number of files per directory is dependent on the type of filesystem, so some hand-tuning may be required.
- set($identifier, $object, $expires_in)
Adds an object to the cache. set takes the following parameters:
- get($identifier)
Retrieves an object from the cache, if it is not stale. If it is stale and auto_remove_stale is 1, it will be removed from the cache. get returns undef if the object is stale or does not exist. get takes the following parameter:
- get_stale($identifier)
Retrieves a stale object from the cache. Call this method only if auto_remove_stale is 0. get_stale returns undef if the object is not stale or does not exist. (It happens to have a precise semantics for auto_remove_stale == 1, but it may change.) get_stale takes the following parameter:
- remove($identifier)
Removes an object from the cache.
- clear()
Removes all objects from this cache.
- purge()
Removes all objects that have expired
- size()
Return an estimate of the disk usage of the current namespace.
- reduce_size($size)
Reduces the size of the cache so that it is below $size. Note that the cache size is approximate, and may slightly exceed the value of $size.
Cache entries are removed in order of nearest expiration time, or latest access time if there are no cache entries with expiration times. (If there are a mix of cache entries with expiration times and without, the ones with expiration times are removed first.) reduce_size takes the following parameter:
- get_creation_time($identifier)
Gets the time at which the data associated with $identifier was stored in the cache. Returns undef if $identifier is not cached.
- get_expiration_time($identifier)
Gets the time at which the data associated with $identifier will expire from the cache. Returns undef if $identifier is not cached.
- get_global_expires_in()
Returns the default number of seconds before an object in the cache expires.
- set_global_expires_in($global_expires_in)
Sets the default number of seconds before an object in the cache expires. set_global_expires_in takes the following parameter:
- get_auto_remove_stale()
Returns whether or not the cache will automatically remove objects after they expire.
- set_auto_remove_stale($auto_remove_stale)
Sets whether or not the cache will automatically remove objects after they expire. set_auto_remove_stale takes the following parameter:
- $auto_remove_stale
The new auto_remove_stale value. If $auto_remove_stale is 1 or $File::Cache::sTRUE, then the cache will automatically remove items when they are being retrieved if they have expired. If $auto_remove_stale is 0 or $File::Cache::sFALSE, the cache will only remove expired items when the purge() method is called, or if max_size is set. Note that the behavior of get_stale is undefined if $auto_remove_stale is true.
- get_username()
Returns the username that is currently being used to define the location of this cache.
- set_username($username)
Sets the username that is currently being used to define the location of this cache. set_username takes the following parameter:
- get_filemode()
Returns the filemode specification for newly created cache objects.
- set_filemode($mode)
Sets the filemode specification for newly created cache objects. set_filemode takes the following parameter:
- File::Cache::CLEAR($cache_key)
Removes this cache and all the associated namespaces from the filesystem. CLEAR takes the following parameter:
- File::Cache::PURGE($cache_key)
Removes all objects in all namespaces that have expired. PURGE takes the following parameter:
- File::Cache::SIZE($cache_key)
Roughly estimates the amount of memory in use. SIZE takes the following parameter:
- File::Cache::REDUCE_SIZE($size, $cache_key)
Reduces the size of the cache so that it is below $size. Note that the cache size is approximate, and may slightly exceed the value of $size.
Cache entries are removed in order of nearest expiration time, or latest access time if there are no cache entries with expiration times. (If there are a mix of cache entries with expiration times and without, the ones with expiration times are removed first.) REDUCE_SIZE takes the following parameters:
The root of the cache namespace is created with global read/write permissions.
IPC::Cache, Storable
DeWitt Clinton <>, and please see the CREDITS file