Changes for version 2.02
- General
- Default logging configuration is now to suppress everything except fatal errors.
- UPS_Offline
- [Fixed] Fuel surcharge update script mis-records dates.
- Add support for tiered hundredweight pricing.
- Tier 3 for Ground setup.
- If data is not available, fall back to non-tiered pricing.
- Tests.
- Increase the number-of-packages limit, which increases the maximum weight.
- Could not find data error now reports current working directory to help find the problem.
How to install Business::Shipping
Rates and tracking for UPS and USPS
Configuration functions
Database interface
For backwards compatibility only
Simplified wrapper for Log::Log4perl
Interface between KLogging and Business::Shipping
Abstract class
Abstract class
Abstract class for cost calculation.
Abstract rates class
Abstract class
Template for new rate requests
A USPS module for Tracking Packages
Miscellaneous functions