Business::Shipping::RateRequest - Abstract class for shipping cost estimation


$Rev: 159 $ $Date: 2004-09-09 20:26:14 -0700 (Thu, 09 Sep 2004) $


Abstract Class: real implementations are done in subclasses.

Represents a request for shipping cost estimation.


  • is_success()

    Boolean. 1 = Rate Request was successful.

  • cache()

    Boolean. 1 = Save results using Cache::FileCache, and reload them if an identical request is made later. See submit() for implementation details.

  • invalid()

    Boolean. 1 = Rate request was invalid, because user supplied invalid data. This can be useful in determining whether or not to log incident reports (see UserTag/business-shipping.tag for an example implementation).

  • results()

    Hashref. Stores the results of a rate request, for example:

      'UPS' => [ 
                   id      => 1,
                   charges => 10.50
                   id      => 2,
                   charges => 23.00

    See _handle_response() for implementation details.

  • shipment()

    Stores a Business::Shipping::Shipment object. Many methods are forwarded to it. At this time, each RateRequest only has one Shipment.

  • $shipment->go( %args )

    This method sets some values (optional), performs the request, then parses the results.

  • validate()

    Does some validation common to all RateRequest objects, but most of the validation goes on in the subclass.

  • get_unique_hash()

    Calls unique() on all subclasses to determine a list of unique elements.

    Returns a hash of element_name => element_value. Used by gen_unique_key().

  • hash_to_sorted_values()

    Sorts hash alphabetically, then returns just the values. (So that the key will have the values sorted in the same order always).

  • gen_unique_key( )

    Calls get_unique_hash(), sorts them with hash_to_sorted_values(), then returns them in string format.

  • total_charges()

    Iterates the $self->results hash and sums the charges from each package->charges. Returns the total.

  • get_unique_keys()

  • _gen_unique_values()

  • $self->calc_debug_string()

    Arrange the values of some important variables in a pretty format. Return a scalar string.

  • $self->display_price_components()

    Return formatted string of price component information


Dan Browning <>, Kavod Technologies,


Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 118:

Expected '=item *'