Changes for version 0.71
- This release is compatible with Wordnet 1.7, but requires a rebuild of the data files. Wordnet 1.7 changes include new file byte offsets; these do not map to 1.6 offsets, and this module performs no conversion (no access to the "Sense Map" package). Additionally, some sense numbers have changed.
- This release should still be compatible with 1.6, but includes no features that enhance 1.6.
- 1.7 does not have a "cousin.exc" list; caused the conversion script to not choke as a result.
- Added a script 'scripts/' for Win32 compatibility; thanks to Ray Schumacher.
- Changed to work with new synset numbers
- methods for XML delivery of data
- better reverse_morph() implementation
- enhanced creation of new fields
Perl extension for high-level processing of Wordnet databases.
Perl extension for accessing and manipulating Wordnet databases.