NAME - transfer amino acid LSSs on corresponding nucleotide alignment
version 0.243280
USAGE <infiles> -log=<log> [-delchar <delchar> -costs <c1> <c2> <c3> <c4> --changeID --noX]
- -delchar <delchar>
Replacement character for removed residues
- -costs <c1> <c2> <c3> <c4>
Cost parameters that defines the low similarity segments detected by HmmCleaner. Default values are -0.15, -0.08, 0.15, 0.45 Users can change each value but they have to be in increasing order. c1 < c2 < 0 < c3 < c4 Predefine value are also available with --large and --specificity options but user defined costs will be prioritary if present.
- --changeID
Determine if output will have defline with generic suffix (_hmmcleaned)
- --noX
Consider X characters as gap that will not be taken into account by HmmCleaner.
- -profile=<profile>
Determine how the profile will be create local or global (default: global) local = without the analyzed sequence (new profile each time) global = all sequences (same profile for each sequence) First case is more sensitive but need more ressource (hence more time)
- --large
Load predifined cost parameters optimized for MSA with at least 50 sequences. Can be use with --specificity option. User defined costs will be prioritary if present.
- --specificity
Load predifined cost parameters optimized to give more weigth on specificity. Can be use with --large option. User defined costs will be prioritary if present.
- --log_only
Only outputs list of segments removed.
- --ali
Outputs result file(s) in ali MUST format.
- -v[erbosity]=<level>
Verbosity level for logging to STDERR [default: 0]. Available levels range from 0 to 5.
- --version
- --usage
- --help
- --man
Print the usual program information
Arnaud Di Franco <>
Denis BAURAIN <>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Arnaud Di Franco.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.