Changes for version 0.87 - 2013-02-12

  • =over
  • =item fix L<rt#80225|> - Test failures due to Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML::Version interface change (L<wyant|>)
  • =item fix L<rt#82939|> - Hash-Randomization causes 10_analyse.t to fail (L<kentnl|>, L<chorny|>)
  • =item fix L<rt#44796|> - Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Manifest broken for MANIFESTs containing files with spaces (L<rivy|>)
  • =back


commandline frontend to Module::CPANTS::Analyse


Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
Interface to Kwalitee generators
Check for broken Module::Install
Proper Distname layout
Information retrieved from the various Linux and other distributions
Check for various files
Find modules provided by a dist
Checks if there is a license
Checks data availabe in META.yml
Checks if the module needs a (probably C) compiler
Checks listed prerequistes
Checks for various signs that make a module packageable
dist has a valid signature
Checks which modules are used
Check for various files