Net::SMTP::Server::Client2 - A better client for Net::SMTP::Server.
use Carp;
use Net::SMTP::Server;
use Net::SMTP::Server::Client2;
my $server = new Net::SMTP::Server(localhost => 25) ||
croak("Unable to open server : $!\n");
while($conn = $server->accept()) {
fork and last;
my $count = 'aaa';
my $client = new Net::SMTP::Server::Client2($conn) ||
croak("Unable to handle client: $!\n");
$client->greet; # this is new
# the connecting client presents a message.
while($client->get_message){ # this is different
if (length($client->{MSG}) > 1400000){
$client->too_long; # this is new
if( $client->{MSG} =~ /viagra/i ){
$client->fail(" we need no viagra "); # this is new
open MOUT, ">/tmp/tmpMOUT_${$}_$count" or die "open: $!";
print MOUT join("\n",
$client-{MSG}) or die "print: $!";
close MOUT or die "close: $!";
or die "link: $!";
or die "unlink: $!";
$client->okay("message saved for relay"); # this is new
The Net::SMTP::Server::Client2 module is a patched Net::SMTP::Server::Client module.
$client->get_message returns before delivering a response
code to the client. $client->okay(...) and $client->too_large()
and $client->fail(...) return the appropriate codes, rather than
assuming that all messages were 250. "Is that 250 with you?"
$client->{faults} is the number of booboos the client made while
presenting the message, not doing anything with it yet
And, Client2 is no longer is an autoloader or an exporter because it doesn't export anything or autoload.
Net::SMTP::Server::Client is Copyright(C) 1999,
MacGyver (aka Habeeb J. Dihu), who released
it under the AL and GPL, so it is okay to patch and re-release it,
even though he said "all reigths reserved." He reserved all the
rights, then he released it. Go figure.
Client2, released by me, in 2002, contains minor patches that make
the interface more complex, and not backwards-compatible.
You may distribute this package under the terms of either the GNU
General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the
Perl README file.
David Nicol
Net::SMTP::Server, Net::SMTP::Server::Client