Win32::AdminMisc - manage network groups and users in perl


use Win32::AdminMisc;


This module offers control over the administration of groups and users over a network.


NOTE: all of the functions return FALSE (0) if they fail, unless otherwise noted. server is optional for all the calls below. (if not given the local machine is assumed.)

UserGetAttributes(server, userName, password, passwordAge, privilege, homeDir, comment, flags, scriptPath) Gets password, passwordAge, privilege, homeDir, comment, flags, and scriptPath for user
UserSetAttributes(server, userName, password, passwordAge, privilege, homeDir, comment, flags, scriptPath) Sets password, passwordAge, privilege, homeDir, comment, flags, and scriptPath for user
UserChangePassword(domainname, username, oldpassword, newpassword) Changes a users password. Can be run under any account.
UsersExist(server, userName) Checks if a User exists
GetUsers(server, filter, \@userArray) Fills userArray with the all of the User names
GroupCreate(server, group, comment) Creates a group
GroupDelete(server, group) Deletes a group
GroupGetAttributes(server, groupName, comment) Gets the comment
GroupSetAttributes(server, groupName, comment) Sets the comment
GroupAddUsers(server, groupName, users) Adds a user to a group
GroupDelUsers(server, groupName, users) Deletes a users from a group
GroupIsMember(server, groupName, user) Returns TRUE if user is a member of groupName
GroupGetMembers(server, groupName, \@userArray) Fills userArray with the members of groupName
LocalGroupCreate(server, group, comment) Creates a local group
LocalGroupDelete(server, group) Deletes a local group
LocalGroupGetAttributes(server, groupName, comment) Gets the comment
LocalGroupSetAttributes(server, groupName, comment) Sets the comment
LocalGroupIsMember(server, groupName, user) Returns TRUE if user is a member of groupName
LocalGroupGetMembers(server, groupName, \@userArray) Fills userArray with the members of groupName
LocalGroupAddUsers(server, groupName, users) Adds a user to a group
LocalGroupDelUsers(server, groupName, users) Deletes a users from a group