Aion::Fs - utilities for the file system: reading, writing, searching, replacing files, etc.
use Aion::Fs;
lay mkpath "hello/world.txt", "hi!";
lay mkpath "hello/moon.txt", "noreplace";
lay mkpath "hello/big/world.txt", "hellow!";
lay mkpath "hello/small/world.txt", "noenter";
mtime "hello" # ~> ^\d+(\.\d+)?$
[map cat, grep -f, find ["hello/big", "hello/small"]] # --> [qw/ hellow! noenter /]
my @noreplaced = replace { s/h/$a $b H/ }
find "hello", "-f", "*.txt", qr/\.txt$/, sub { /\.txt$/ },
noenter "*small*",
errorenter { warn "find $_: $!" };
\@noreplaced # --> ["hello/moon.txt"]
cat "hello/world.txt" # => hello/world.txt :utf8 Hi!
cat "hello/moon.txt" # => noreplace
cat "hello/big/world.txt" # => hello/big/world.txt :utf8 Hellow!
cat "hello/small/world.txt" # => noenter
[find "hello", "*.txt"] # --> [qw! hello/moon.txt hello/world.txt hello/big/world.txt hello/small/world.txt !]
[find "hello", "-d"] # --> [qw! hello hello/big hello/small !]
erase reverse find "hello";
-e "hello" # -> undef
This module makes it easier to use the file system.
Modules File::Path
, File::Slurper
and File::Find
is burdened with various features that are rarely used, but require time to become familiar with and thereby increase the barrier to entry.
uses the KISS programming principle - the simpler the better!
The IO::All
supermodule is not a competitor to Aion::Fs
, because uses an OOP approach, and Aion::Fs
is FP.
OOP - object-oriented programming.
FP - functional programming.
cat ($file)
Reads the file. If no parameter is specified, uses $_
cat "/etc/passwd" # ~> root
reads with layer :utf8
. But you can specify another layer like this:
lay "unicode.txt", "↯";
length cat "unicode.txt" # -> 1
length cat["unicode.txt", ":raw"] # -> 3
throws an exception if the I/O operation fails:
eval { cat "A" }; $@ # ~> cat A: No such file or directory
See also
<autodie> –
open $f, "r.txt"; $s = join "", <$f>; close $f
.<File::Slurp> -
.<File::Slurper> -
.<File::Util> -
File::Util->new->load_file(file => 'file.txt')
.<IO::All> -
io('file.txt') > $contents
.<IO::Util> -
$contents = ${ slurp 'file.txt' }
.<Mojo::File> –
lay ($file?, $content)
Writes $content
to $file
If one parameter is specified, use
instead of$file
, uses the:utf8
layer. To specify a different layer, use an array of two elements in the$file
lay "unicode.txt", "↯" # => unicode.txt
lay ["unicode.txt", ":raw"], "↯" # => unicode.txt
eval { lay "/", "↯" }; $@ # ~> lay /: Is a directory
See also
<autodie> –
open $f, ">r.txt"; print $f $contents; close $f
.<File::Slurp> -
write_file('file.txt', $contents)
.<File::Slurper> -
write_text('file.txt', $contents)
,write_binary('file.txt', $contents)
.<IO::All> -
io('file.txt') < $contents
.<IO::Util> -
slurp \$contents, 'file.txt'
.<File::Util> -
File::Util->new->write_file(file => 'file.txt', content => $contents, bitmask => 0644)
.<Mojo::File> –
path($file)->spew($chars, 'UTF-8')
find (;$path, @filters)
Recursively traverses and returns paths from the specified path or paths if $path
is an array reference. Without parameters, uses $_
as $path
Filters can be:
By subroutine - the path to the current file is passed to
, and the subroutine must return true or false, as understood by Perl.Regexp - tests each path with a regular expression.
String in the form "-Xxx", where
is one or more characters. Similar to Perl operators for testing files. Example:-fr
checks the path with file testers LL remaining lines are turned by the
function (see below) into a regular expression to test each path.
Paths that fail the @filters
check are not returned.
If the -X filter is not a perl file function, an exception is thrown:
eval { find "example", "-h" }; $@ # ~> Undefined subroutine &Aion::Fs::h called
In this example, find
cannot enter the subdirectory and passes an error to the errorenter
function (see below) with the $_
and $!
variables set (to the directory path and the OS error message).
Attention! If errorenter
is not specified, then all errors are ignored!
mkpath ["example/", 0];
[find "example"] # --> ["example"]
[find "example", noenter "-d"] # --> ["example"]
eval { find "example", errorenter { die "find $_: $!" } }; $@ # ~> find example: Permission denied
mkpath for qw!ex/1/11 ex/1/12 ex/2/21 ex/2/22!;
my $count = 0;
find "ex", sub { find_stop if ++$count == 3; 1} # -> 2
See also
<AudioFile::Find> - searches for audio files in the specified directory. Allows you to filter them by attributes: title, artist, genre, album and track.
<Directory::Iterator> -
$it = Directory::Iterator->new($dir, %opts); push @paths, $_ while <$it>
.<IO::All> -
@paths = map { "$_" } grep { -f $_ && $_->size > 10*1024 } io(".")->all(0)
.<IO::All::Rule> -
$next = IO::All::Rule->new->file->size(">10k")->iter($dir1, $dir2); push @paths, "$f" while $f = $next->()
.<File::Find> -
find( sub { push @paths, $File::Find::name if /\.png/ }, $dir )
.<File::Find::utf8> - like <File::Find>, only file paths are in utf8.
<File::Find::Age> - sorts files by modification time (inherits <File::Find::Rule>):
File::Find::Age->in($dir1, $dir2)
.<File::Find::Declare> —
@paths = File::Find::Declare->new({ size => '>10K', perms => 'wr-wr-wr-', modified => '<2010-01-30', recurse => 1, dirs => [$dir1] })->find
.<File::Find::Iterator> - has an OOP interface with an iterator and the
functions.<File::Find::Match> - calls a handler for each matching filter. Similar to
.<File::Find::Node> - traverses the file hierarchy in parallel by several processes:
tie @paths, IPC::Shareable, { key => "GLUE STRING", create => 1 }; File::Find::Node->new(".")->process(sub { my $f = shift; $f->fork(5); tied(@paths)->lock; push @paths, $ f->path; tied(@paths)->unlock })->find; tied(@paths)->remove
.<File::Find::Fast> -
@paths = @{ find($dir) }
.<File::Find::Object> - has an OOP interface with an iterator.
<File::Find::Parallel> - can compare two directories and return their union, intersection and quantitative intersection.
<File::Find::Random> - selects a file or directory at random from the file hierarchy.
<File::Find::Rex> -
@paths = File::Find::Rex->new(recursive => 1, ignore_hidden => 1)->query($dir, qr/^b/i)
.<File::Find::Rule> —
@files = File::Find::Rule->any( File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.mp3', '*.ogg ')->size('>2M'), File::Find::Rule->empty )->in($dir1, $dir2);
. Has an iterator, procedural interface, and File::Find::Rule::ImageSize and File::Find::Rule::MMagic extensions:@images = find(file => magic => 'image/*', '!image_x' => '>20', in => '.')
.<File::Find::Wanted> -
@paths = find_wanted( sub { -f && /\.png/ }, $dir )
.<File::Hotfolder> -
watch( $dir, callback => sub { push @paths, shift } )->loop
. Powered byAnyEvent
. Customizable. There is parallelization into several processes.<File::Mirror> - also forms a parallel path for copying files:
recursive { my ($src, $dst) = @_; push @paths, $src } '/path/A', '/path/B'
.<File::Set> -
$fs = File::Set->new; $fs->add($dir); @paths = map { $_->[0] } $fs->get_path_list
.<File::Wildcard> —
$fw = File::Wildcard->new(exclude => qr/.svn/, case_insensitive => 1, sort => 1, path => "src///*.cpp ", match => qr(^src/(.*?)\.cpp$), derive => ['src/$1.o','src/$1.hpp']); push @paths, $f while $f = $fw->next
.<File::Wildcard::Find> -
findbegin($dir); push @paths, $f while $f = findnext()
orfindbegin($dir); @paths = findall()
.<File::Util> -
File::Util->new->list_dir($dir, qw/ --pattern=\.txt$ --files-only --recurse /)
.<Mojo::File> –
say for path($path)->list_tree({hidden => 1, dir => 1})->each
.<Path::Find> -
@paths = path_find( $dir, "*.png" )
. For complex queries, use matchable:my $sub = matchable( sub { my( $entry, $directory, $fullname, $depth ) = @_; $depth <= 3 }
.<Path::Extended::Dir> -
@paths = Path::Extended::Dir->new($dir)->find('*.txt')
.<Path::Iterator::Rule> -
$i = Path::Iterator::Rule->new->file; @paths = $i->clone->size(">10k")->all(@dirs); $i->size("<10k")...
.<Path::Class::Each> -
dir($dir)->each(sub { push @paths, "$_" })
.<Path::Class::Iterator> -
$i = Path::Class::Iterator->new(root => $dir, depth => 2); until ($i->done) { push @paths, $i->next->stringify }
.<Path::Class::Rule> -
@paths = Path::Class::Rule->new->file->size(">10k")->all($dir)
noenter (@filters)
Tells find
not to enter directories matching the filters behind it.
errorenter (&block)
Calls &block
for every error that occurs when a directory cannot be entered.
find_stop ()
Stops find
being called in one of its filters, errorenter
or noenter
my $count = 0;
find "ex", sub { find_stop if ++$count == 3; 1} # -> 2
erase (@paths)
Removes files and empty directories. Returns @paths
. Throws an exception if there is an I/O error.
eval { erase "/" }; $@ # ~> erase dir /: Device or resource busy
eval { erase "/dev/null" }; $@ # ~> erase file /dev/null: Permission denied
See also
.<File::Path> -
.<File::Path::Tiny> -
. Does not throw exceptions.<Mojo::File> –
replace (&sub, @files)
Replaces each file with $_
if it is modified by &sub
. Returns files that have no replacements.
can contain arrays of two elements. The first is treated as a path and the second as a layer. The default layer is :utf8
is called for each file in @files
. It transmits:
- file contents.$a
— path to the file.$b
— the layer with which the file was read and with which it will be written.
In the example below, the file "replace.ex" is read by the :utf8
layer and written by the :raw
layer in the replace
local $_ = "replace.ex";
lay "abc";
replace { $b = ":utf8"; y/a/¡/ } [$_, ":raw"];
cat # => ¡bc
See also
<File::Edit> –
File::Edit->new($file)->replace('x', 'y')->save
.<File::Edit::Portable> –
File::Edit::Portable->new->splice(file => $file, line => 10, contens => ["line1", "line2"])
.<File::Replace> –
($infh,$outfh,$repl) = replace3($file); while (<$infh>) { print $outfh "X: $_" } $repl->finish
mkpath (;$path)
Like mkdir -p, but considers the last part of the path (after the last slash) to be a filename and does not create it as a directory. Without a parameter, uses $_
is not specified, use$_
is an array reference, then the path is used as the first element and rights as the second element.The default permission is
local $_ = ["A", 0755];
mkpath # => A
eval { mkpath "/A/" }; $@ # ~> mkpath /A: Permission denied
mkpath "A///./file";
-d "A" # -> 1
See also
<File::Path> -
.<File::Path::Tiny> -
. Does not throw exceptions.
mtime (;$path)
Modification time of $path
in unixtime with fractional part (from Time::HiRes::stat
). Without a parameter, uses $_
Throws an exception if the file does not exist or does not have permission:
local $_ = "nofile";
eval { mtime }; $@ # ~> mtime nofile: No such file or directory
mtime ["/"] # ~> ^\d+(\.\d+)?$
See also
—-M "file.txt"
,-M _
in days from the current time.<stat> -
(stat "file.txt")[9]
in seconds (unixtime).<Time::HiRes> -
(Time::HiRes::stat "file.txt")[9]
in seconds with fractional part.<Mojo::File> -
sta (;$path)
Returns statistics about the file. Without a parameter, uses $_
To be used with other file functions, it can receive a reference to an array from which it takes the first element as the file path.
Throws an exception if the file does not exist or does not have permission:
local $_ = "nofile";
eval { sta }; $@ # ~> sta nofile: No such file or directory
sta(["/"])->{ino} # ~> ^\d+$
sta(".")->{atime} # ~> ^\d+(\.\d+)?$
See also
<Fcntl> – contains constants for mode recognition.
<BSD::stat> - optionally returns atime, ctime and mtime in nanoseconds, user flags and file generation number. Has an OOP interface.
<File::chmod> –
,@newmodes = getchmod("+x","file1","file2")
.<File::stat> – provides an OOP interface to stat.
<File::Stat::Bits> – similar to <Fcntl>.
<File::stat::Extra> – extends <File::stat> with methods to obtain information about the mode, and also reloads -X, <=>, cmp and ~~ operators and stringified.
<File::Stat::Ls> – returns the mode in the format of the ls utility.
<File::Stat::Moose> – OOP interface for Moose.
<File::Stat::OO> – provides an OOP interface to stat. Can return atime, ctime and mtime at once in
.<File::Stat::Trigger> – monitors changes in file attributes.
<Linux::stat> – parses /proc/stat and returns additional information. However, it does not work on other OSes.
<Stat::lsMode> – returns the mode in the format of the ls utility.
<VMS::Stat> – returns VMS ACLs.
path (;$path)
Splits a file path into its components or assembles it from its components.
If it receives a reference to an array, it treats its first element as a path.
If it receives a link to a hash, it collects a path from it. Unfamiliar keys are simply ignored. The set of keys for each FS is different.
FS is taken from the system variable
.The file system is not accessed.
local $^O = "freebsd";
path "." # --> {path => ".", file => ".", name => "."}
path ".bashrc" # --> {path => ".bashrc", file => ".bashrc", name => ".bashrc"}
path ".bash.rc" # --> {path => ".bash.rc", file => ".bash.rc", name => ".bash", ext => "rc"}
path ["/"] # --> {path => "/", dir => "/"}
local $_ = "";
path # --> {path => ""}
path "a/b/" # --> {path => "a/b/", dir => "a/b", file => "", name => "c", ext => ""}
path +{dir => "/", ext => ""} # => /
path +{file => "b.c", ext => "ly"} # =>
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", dir => "m"} # => m/f.c
local $_ = +{path => "a/b/f.c", dir => undef, ext => undef};
path # => f
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", volume => "/x", dir => "m/y/", file => "f.y", name => "j", ext => "ext"} # => m/y//j.ext
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", volume => "/x", dir => "/y", file => "f.y", name => "j", ext => "ext"} # => /y/j.ext
local $^O = "MSWin32"; # also os2, symbian and dos
path "." # --> {path => ".", file => ".", name => "."}
path ".bashrc" # --> {path => ".bashrc", file => ".bashrc", name => ".bashrc"}
path "/" # --> {path => "\\", dir => "\\", folder => "\\"}
path "\\" # --> {path => "\\", dir => "\\", folder => "\\"}
path "" # --> {path => ""}
path "a\\b\\" # --> {path => "a\\b\\", dir => "a\\b\\", folder => "a\\b", file => "", name => "c", ext => ""}
path +{dir => "/", ext => ""} # => \\
path +{dir => "\\", ext => ""} # => \\
path +{file => "b.c", ext => "ly"} # =>
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", dir => "m/r/"} # => m\\r\\f.c
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", dir => undef, ext => undef} # => f
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", volume => "x", dir => "m/y/", file => "f.y", name => "j", ext => "ext"} # \> x:m\y\j.ext
path +{path => "x:/a/b/f.c", volume => undef, dir => "/y/", file => "f.y", name => "j", ext => "ext"} # \> \y\j.ext
local $^O = "amigaos";
my $path = {
path => "Work1:Documents/Letters/Letter1.txt",
dir => "Work1:Documents/Letters/",
volume => "Work1",
folder => "Documents/Letters",
file => "Letter1.txt",
name => "Letter1",
ext => "txt",
path "Work1:Documents/Letters/Letter1.txt" # --> $path
path {volume => "Work", file => "", ext => "txt"} # => Work:Letter1.txt
local $^O = "cygwin";
my $path = {
path => "/cygdrive/c/Documents/Letters/Letter1.txt",
dir => "/cygdrive/c/Documents/Letters/",
volume => "c",
folder => "Documents/Letters",
file => "Letter1.txt",
name => "Letter1",
ext => "txt",
path "/cygdrive/c/Documents/Letters/Letter1.txt" # --> $path
path {volume => "c", file => "", ext => "txt"} # => /cygdrive/c/Letter1.txt
local $^O = "dos";
my $path = {
path => 'c:\Documents\Letters\Letter1.txt',
dir => 'c:\Documents\Letters\\',
volume => 'c',
folder => '\Documents\Letters',
file => 'Letter1.txt',
name => 'Letter1',
ext => 'txt',
path 'c:\Documents\Letters\Letter1.txt' # --> $path
path {volume => "c", file => "", ext => "txt"} # \> c:Letter1.txt
path {dir => 'r\t\\', file => "Letter1", ext => "txt"} # \> r\t\Letter1.txt
local $^O = "VMS";
my $path = {
volume => "DISK:",
disk => "DISK",
name => "FILENAME",
ext => "EXTENSION",
$path = {
dir => 'NODE["account password"]::DISK$USER:[DIRECTORY.SUBDIRECTORY]',
node => "NODE",
accountname => "account",
password => "password",
volume => 'DISK$USER:',
disk => 'DISK',
user => 'USER',
name => "FILENAME",
ext => "EXTENSION",
version => 7,
path {volume => "DISK:", file => "", ext => "EXTENSION"} # => DISK:FILENAME.EXTENSION
local $^O = "VOS";
my $path = {
path => "%sysname#module1>SubDir>File.txt",
dir => "%sysname#module1>SubDir>",
volume => "%sysname#module1>",
sysname => "sysname",
module => "module1",
folder => "SubDir",
file => "File.txt",
name => "File",
ext => "txt",
path $path->{path} # --> $path
path {volume => "%sysname#module1>", file => "", ext => "txt"} # => %sysname#module1>File.txt
path {module => "module1", file => ""} # => %#module1>
path {sysname => "sysname", file => ""} # => %sysname#>
path {dir => "dir>subdir>", file => "", ext => "txt"} # => dir>subdir>File.txt
local $^O = "riscos";
my $path = {
path => 'Filesystem#Special_Field::DiskName.$.Directory.Directory.File/Ext/Ext',
dir => 'Filesystem#Special_Field::DiskName.$.Directory.Directory.',
volume => 'Filesystem#Special_Field::DiskName.',
fstype => "Filesystem",
option => "Special_Field",
disk => "DiskName",
folder => '$.Directory.Directory',
file => "File/Ext/Ext",
name => "File",
ext => "Ext/Ext",
path $path->{path} # --> $path
$path = {
path => '.$.Directory.Directory.',
dir => '.$.Directory.Directory.',
folder => '.$.Directory.Directory',
path '.$.Directory.Directory.' # --> $path
path {volume => "ADFS::HardDisk.", file => "File"} # => ADFS::HardDisk.$.File
path {folder => "x"} # => x.
path {dir => "x."} # => x.
local $^O = "MacOS";
my $path = {
path => '::::mix:report.doc',
dir => "::::mix:",
folder => ":::mix",
file => "report.doc",
name => "report",
ext => "doc",
path $path->{path} # --> $path
path $path # => $path->{path}
path 'report' # --> {path => 'report', file => 'report', name => 'report'}
path {volume => "x", file => "f"} # => x:f
path {folder => "x"} # => x:
local $^O = "vmesa";
my $path = {
userid => "USERID",
file => "FILE EXT",
name => "FILE",
ext => "EXT",
volume => "VOLUME",
path $path->{path} # --> $path
path {volume => "x", file => "f"} # -> ' f x'
See also
Modules for determining the OS, and therefore determining what file paths are in the OS:
– superglobal variable with the name of the current OS.<Devel::CheckOS>, <Perl::OSType> – define the OS.
<Devel::AssertOS> – prohibits the use of the module outside the specified OS.
<System::Info> – information about the OS, its version, distribution, CPU and host.
Parts of file paths are distinguished:
<File::Spec> –
($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path)
. Only supports unix, win32, os/2, vms, cygwin and amigaos.<File::Spec::Functions> –
($volume, $directories, $file) = splitpath($path)
.<File::Spec::Mac> - included in <File::Spec>, but not defined by it, so it must be used separately. For mac os version 9.
<File::Basename> –
($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($fullname, @suffixlist)
.<Path::Class::File> –
file('foo', 'bar.txt')->is_absolute
.<Path::Extended::File> –
.<Mojo::File> –
.<Path::Util> –
$filename = basename($dir)
.<Parse::Path> –
Parse::Path->new(path => 'gophers[0].food.count', style => 'DZIL')->push("chunk")
. Works with paths as arrays (push
). It also overloads comparison operators. It has styles:DZIL
transpath ($path?, $from, $to)
Converts a path from one OS format to another.
If $path
is not specified, $_
is used.
For a list of supported operating systems, see the examples of the path
subroutine just above or like this: keys %Aion::Fs::FS
OS names are case insensitive.
local $_ = ">x>y>";
transpath "vos", "unix" # \> /x/y/
transpath "vos", "VMS" # \> [.x.y]
transpath $_, "vos", "RiscOS" # \> .x.y.z/doc/zip
splitdir (;$dir)
Splits a directory into components. The directory should first be obtained from path->{dir}
local $^O = "unix";
[ splitdir "/x/" ] # --> ["", "x", ""]
joindir (;$dirparts)
Combines a directory from its components. The resulting directory should then be included in path +{dir => $dir}
local $^O = "unix";
joindir qw/x y z/ # => x/y/z
path +{ dir => joindir qw/x y z/ } # => x/y/z/
splitext (;$ext)
Breaks the extension into its components. The extension should first be obtained from path->{ext}
local $^O = "unix";
[ splitext ".x." ] # --> ["", "x", ""]
joinext (;$extparts)
Combines an extension from its components. The resulting extension should then be included in path +{ext => $ext}
local $^O = "unix";
joinext qw/x y z/ # => x.y.z
path +{ ext => joinext qw/x y z/ } # => .x.y.z
include (;$pkg)
Connects $pkg
(if it has not already been connected via use
or require
) and returns it. Without a parameter, uses $_
lib/ file:
package A;
sub new { bless {@_}, shift }
lib/ file:
package N;
sub ex { 123 }
use lib "lib";
include("A")->new # ~> A=HASH\(0x\w+\)
[map include, qw/A N/] # --> [qw/A N/]
{ local $_="N"; include->ex } # -> 123
catonce (;$file)
Reads the file for the first time. Any subsequent attempt to read this file returns undef
. Used to insert js and css modules into the resulting file. Without a parameter, uses $_
can contain arrays of two elements. The first is treated as a path and the second as a layer. The default layer is:utf8
is not specified, use$_
local $_ = "catonce.txt";
lay "result";
catonce # -> "result"
catonce # -> undef
eval { catonce[] }; $@ # ~> catonce not use ref path!
wildcard (;$wildcard)
Converts a file mask to a regular expression. Without a parameter, uses $_
Other characters are escaped using
wildcard "*.{pm,pl}" # \> (?^usn:^.*?\.(pm|pl)$)
wildcard "?_??_**" # \> (?^usn:^._[^/]_[^/]*?$)
Used in filters of the find
See also
<Text::Glob> -
goto_editor ($path, $line)
Opens the file in the editor from .config at the specified line. Defaults to vscodium %p:%l
. file:
package config;
config_module 'Aion::Fs' => {
EDITOR => 'echo %p:%l > ed.txt',
goto_editor "mypath", 10;
cat "ed.txt" # => mypath:10\n
eval { goto_editor "`", 1 }; $@ # ~> `:1 --> 512
from_pkg (;$pkg)
Transfers the packet to the FS path. Without a parameter, uses $_
from_pkg "Aion::Fs" # => Aion/
[map from_pkg, "Aion::Fs", "A::B::C"] # --> ["Aion/", "A/B/"]
to_pkg (;$path)
Translates the path from the FS to the package. Without a parameter, uses $_
to_pkg "Aion/" # => Aion::Fs
[map to_pkg, "Aion/", "A/B/"] # --> ["Aion::Fs", "A::B::C"]
Yaroslav O. Kosmina
⚖ GPLv3
The Aion::Fs is copyright © 2023 by Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.