Aion::Fs - utilities for the file system: reading, writing, searching, replacing files, etc.
use Aion::Fs;
lay mkpath "hello/world.txt", "hi!";
lay mkpath "hello/moon.txt", "noreplace";
lay mkpath "hello/big/world.txt", "hellow!";
lay mkpath "hello/small/world.txt", "noenter";
mtime "hello" # ~> ^\d+(\.\d+)?$
[map cat, grep -f, find ["hello/big", "hello/small"]] # --> [qw/ hellow! noenter /]
my @noreplaced = replace { s/h/$a $b H/ }
find "hello", "-f", "*.txt", qr/\.txt$/, sub { /\.txt$/ },
noenter "*small*",
errorenter { warn "find $_: $!" };
\@noreplaced # --> ["hello/moon.txt"]
cat "hello/world.txt" # => hello/world.txt :utf8 Hi!
cat "hello/moon.txt" # => noreplace
cat "hello/big/world.txt" # => hello/big/world.txt :utf8 Hellow!
cat "hello/small/world.txt" # => noenter
[find "hello", "*.txt"] # --> [qw! hello/moon.txt hello/world.txt hello/big/world.txt hello/small/world.txt !]
[find "hello", "-d"] # --> [qw! hello hello/big hello/small !]
erase reverse find "hello";
-e "hello" # -> undef
This module makes it easier to use the file system.
Modules File::Path
, File::Slurper
and File::Find
is burdened with various features that are rarely used, but require time to become familiar with and thereby increase the barrier to entry.
uses the KISS programming principle - the simpler the better!
The IO::All
supermodule is not a competitor to Aion::Fs
, because uses an OOP approach, and Aion::Fs
is FP.
OOP - object-oriented programming.
FP - functional programming.
cat ($file)
Reads the file. If no parameter is specified, use $_
cat "/etc/passwd" # ~> root
reads with layer :utf8
. But you can specify another layer like this:
lay "unicode.txt", "↯";
length cat "unicode.txt" # -> 1
length cat["unicode.txt", ":raw"] # -> 3
throws an exception if the I/O operation fails:
eval { cat "A" }; $@ # ~> cat A: No such file or directory
Cm. Also:
<File::Slurp> -
.<File::Slurper> -
.<IO::All> -
io('file.txt') > $contents
.<IO::Util> -
$contents = ${ slurp 'file.txt' }
.<File::Util> -
File::Util->new->load_file(file => 'file.txt')
lay ($file?, $content)
Writes $content
to $file
If one parameter is specified, use
instead of$file
, uses the:utf8
layer. To specify a different layer, use an array of two elements in the$file
lay "unicode.txt", "↯" # => unicode.txt
lay ["unicode.txt", ":raw"], "↯" # => unicode.txt
eval { lay "/", "↯" }; $@ # ~> lay /: Is a directory
Cm. Also:
<File::Slurp> -
write_file('file.txt', $contents)
.<File::Slurper> -
write_text('file.txt', $contents)
,write_binary('file.txt', $contents)
.<IO::All> -
io('file.txt') < $contents
.<IO::Util> -
slurp \$contents, 'file.txt'
.<File::Util> -
File::Util->new->write_file(file => 'file.txt', content => $contents, bitmask => 0644)
find (;$path, @filters)
Recursively traverses and returns paths from the specified path or paths if $path
is an array reference. Without parameters, uses $_
as $path
Filters can be:
By subroutine - the path to the current file is passed to
, and the subroutine must return true or false, as understood by Perl.Regexp - tests each path with a regular expression.
String in the form "-Xxx", where
is one or more characters. Similar to Perl operators for testing files. Example:-fr
checks the path with file testers LL remaining lines are turned by the
function (see below) into a regular expression to test each path.
Paths that fail the @filters
check are not returned.
If the -X filter is not a perl file function, an exception is thrown:
eval { find "example", "-h" }; $@ # ~> Undefined subroutine &Aion::Fs::h called
In this example, find
cannot enter the subdirectory and passes an error to the errorenter
function (see below) with the $_
and $!
variables set (to the directory path and the OS error message).
Attention! If errorenter
is not specified, then all errors are ignored!
mkpath ["example/", 0];
[find "example"] # --> ["example"]
[find "example", noenter "-d"] # --> ["example"]
eval { find "example", errorenter { die "find $_: $!" } }; $@ # ~> find example: Permission denied
mkpath for qw!ex/1/11 ex/1/12 ex/2/21 ex/2/22!;
my $count = 0;
find "ex", sub { find_stop if ++$count == 3; 1} # -> 2
Cm. Also:
<AudioFile::Find> - searches for audio files in the specified directory. Allows you to filter them by attributes: title, artist, genre, album and track.
<Directory::Iterator> -
$it = Directory::Iterator->new($dir, %opts); push @paths, $_ while <$it>
.<IO::All> -
@paths = map { "$_" } grep { -f $_ && $_->size > 10*1024 } io(".")->all(0)
.<IO::All::Rule> -
$next = IO::All::Rule->new->file->size(">10k")->iter($dir1, $dir2); push @paths, "$f" while $f = $next->()
.<File::Find> -
find( sub { push @paths, $File::Find::name if /\.png/ }, $dir )
.<File::Find::utf8> - like <File::Find>, only file paths are in utf8.
<File::Find::Age> - sorts files by modification time (inherits <File::Find::Rule>):
File::Find::Age->in($dir1, $dir2)
.<File::Find::Declare> —
@paths = File::Find::Declare->new({ size => '>10K', perms => 'wr-wr-wr-', modified => '<2010-01-30', recurse => 1, dirs => [$dir1] })->find
.<File::Find::Iterator> - has an OOP interface with an iterator and the
functions.<File::Find::Match> - calls a handler for each matching filter. Similar to
.<File::Find::Node> - traverses the file hierarchy in parallel by several processes:
tie @paths, IPC::Shareable, { key => "GLUE STRING", create => 1 }; File::Find::Node->new(".")->process(sub { my $f = shift; $f->fork(5); tied(@paths)->lock; push @paths, $ f->path; tied(@paths)->unlock })->find; tied(@paths)->remove
.<File::Find::Fast> -
@paths = @{ find($dir) }
.<File::Find::Object> - has an OOP interface with an iterator.
<File::Find::Parallel> - can compare two directories and return their union, intersection and quantitative intersection.
<File::Find::Random> - selects a file or directory at random from the file hierarchy.
<File::Find::Rex> -
@paths = File::Find::Rex->new(recursive => 1, ignore_hidden => 1)->query($dir, qr/^b/i)
.<File::Find::Rule> —
@files = File::Find::Rule->any( File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.mp3', '*.ogg ')->size('>2M'), File::Find::Rule->empty )->in($dir1, $dir2);
. Has an iterator, procedural interface, and File::Find::Rule::ImageSize and File::Find::Rule::MMagic extensions:@images = find(file => magic => 'image/*', '!image_x' => '>20', in => '.')
.<File::Find::Wanted> -
@paths = find_wanted( sub { -f && /\.png/ }, $dir )
.<File::Hotfolder> -
watch( $dir, callback => sub { push @paths, shift } )->loop
. Powered byAnyEvent
. Customizable. There is parallelization into several processes.<File::Mirror> - also forms a parallel path for copying files:
recursive { my ($src, $dst) = @_; push @paths, $src } '/path/A', '/path/B'
.<File::Set> -
$fs = File::Set->new; $fs->add($dir); @paths = map { $_->[0] } $fs->get_path_list
.<File::Wildcard> —
$fw = File::Wildcard->new(exclude => qr/.svn/, case_insensitive => 1, sort => 1, path => "src///*.cpp ", match => qr(^src/(.*?)\.cpp$), derive => ['src/$1.o','src/$1.hpp']); push @paths, $f while $f = $fw->next
.<File::Wildcard::Find> -
findbegin($dir); push @paths, $f while $f = findnext()
orfindbegin($dir); @paths = findall()
.<File::Util> -
File::Util->new->list_dir($dir, qw/ --pattern=\.txt$ --files-only --recurse /)
.<Path::Find> -
@paths = path_find( $dir, "*.png" )
. For complex queries, use matchable:my $sub = matchable( sub { my( $entry, $directory, $fullname, $depth ) = @_; $depth <= 3 }
.<Path::Extended::Dir> -
@paths = Path::Extended::Dir->new($dir)->find('*.txt')
.<Path::Iterator::Rule> -
$i = Path::Iterator::Rule->new->file; @paths = $i->clone->size(">10k")->all(@dirs); $i->size("<10k")...
.<Path::Class::Each> -
dir($dir)->each(sub { push @paths, "$_" })
.<Path::Class::Iterator> -
$i = Path::Class::Iterator->new(root => $dir, depth => 2); until ($i->done) { push @paths, $i->next->stringify }
.<Path::Class::Rule> -
@paths = Path::Class::Rule->new->file->size(">10k")->all($dir)
noenter (@filters)
Tells find
not to enter directories matching the filters behind it.
errorenter (&block)
Calls &block
for every error that occurs when a directory cannot be entered.
find_stop ()
Stops find
being called in one of its filters, errorenter
or noenter
my $count = 0;
find "ex", sub { find_stop if ++$count == 3; 1} # -> 2
erase (@paths)
Removes files and empty directories. Returns @paths
. If there is an I/O error, it throws an exception.
eval { erase "/" }; $@ # ~> erase dir /: Device or resource busy
eval { erase "/dev/null" }; $@ # ~> erase file /dev/null: Permission denied
Cm. Also:
<unlink> + <rmdir>.
<File::Path> -
.<File::Path::Tiny> -
. Does not throw exceptions.
replace (&sub, @files)
Replaces each file with $_
if it is modified by &sub
. Returns files that have no replacements.
can contain arrays of two elements. The first is treated as a path and the second as a layer. The default layer is :utf8
is called for each file in @files
. It transmits:
- file contents.$a
— path to the file.$b
— the layer by which the file was read and by which it will be written.
In the example below, the file "replace.ex" is read by the :utf8
layer and written by the :raw
layer in the replace
local $_ = "replace.ex";
lay "abc";
replace { $b = ":utf8"; y/a/¡/ } [$_, ":raw"];
cat # => ¡bc
Cm. Also:
mkpath (;$path)
Like mkdir -p, but considers the last part of the path (after the last slash) to be a filename and does not create it as a directory. Without a parameter, uses $_
is not specified, use$_
is an array reference, then the path is used as the first element and rights as the second element.The default permission is
local $_ = ["A", 0755];
mkpath # => A
eval { mkpath "/A/" }; $@ # ~> mkpath /A: Permission denied
mkpath "A///./file";
-d "A" # -> 1
Cm. Also:
<File::Path> -
.<File::Path::Tiny> -
. Does not throw exceptions.
mtime (;$path)
Modification time of $path
in unixtime with fractional part (from Time::HiRes::stat
). Without a parameter, uses $_
Throws an exception if the file does not exist or does not have permission:
local $_ = "nofile";
eval { mtime }; $@ # ~> mtime nofile: No such file or directory
mtime ["/"] # ~> ^\d+(\.\d+)?$
Cm. Also:
—-M "file.txt"
,-M _
in days from the current time.<stat> -
(stat "file.txt")[9]
in seconds (unixtime).<Time::HiRes> -
(Time::HiRes::stat "file.txt")[9]
in seconds with fractional part.
sta (;$path)
Returns statistics about the file. Without a parameter, uses $_
To be used with other file functions, it can receive a reference to an array from which it takes the first element as the file path.
Throws an exception if the file does not exist or does not have permission:
local $_ = "nofile";
eval { sta }; $@ # ~> sta nofile: No such file or directory
sta(["/"])->{ino} # ~> ^\d+$
sta(".")->{atime} # ~> ^\d+(\.\d+)?$
Cm. Also:
<Fcntl> – contains constants for mode recognition.
<BSD::stat> - optionally returns atime, ctime and mtime in nanoseconds, user flags and file generation number. Has an OOP interface.
<File::chmod> –
,@newmodes = getchmod("+x","file1","file2")
.<File::stat> – provides an OOP interface to stat.
<File::Stat::Bits> – similar to <Fcntl>.
<File::stat::Extra> – extends <File::stat> with methods to obtain information about the mode, and also reloads -X, <=>, cmp and ~~ operators and stringified.
<File::Stat::Ls> – returns the mode in the format of the ls utility.
<File::Stat::Moose> – OOP interface for Moose.
<File::Stat::OO> – provides an OOP interface to stat. Can return atime, ctime and mtime at once in
.<File::Stat::Trigger> – monitors changes in file attributes.
<Linux::stat> – parses /proc/stat and returns additional information. However, it does not work on other OSes.
<Stat::lsMode> – returns the mode in the format of the ls utility.
<VMS::Stat> – returns VMS ACLs.
path (;$path)
Splits a file path into its components or assembles it from its components.
If it receives a reference to an array, it treats its first element as a path.
If it receives a link to a hash, it collects a path from it. Unfamiliar keys are simply ignored. Also ignores volume on UNIX.
The file system is not accessed.
path "." # --> {path => ".", volume => undef, dir => undef, file => ".", name => undef, ext => undef}
path ["/"] # --> {path => "/", volume => undef, dir => "/", file => undef, name => undef, ext => undef}
local $_ = "";
path # --> {path => "", volume => undef, dir => undef, file => undef, name => undef, ext => undef}
path "a/b/" # --> {path => "a/b/", volume => undef, dir => "a/b", file => "", name => "c", ext => ""}
path +{dir => "/", ext => ""} # => /
path +{file => "b.c", ext => "ly"} # =>
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", dir => "m"} # => m/f.c
local $_ = +{path => "a/b/f.c", dir => undef, ext => undef};
path # => a/b/f.c
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", volume => "/x", dir => "m/y", file => "f.y", name => "j", ext => "ext"} # => m/y/j.ext
path +{path => "a/b/f.c", volume => "/x", dir => "/y", file => "f.y", name => "j", ext => "ext"} # => /y/j.ext
Cm. Also:
<File::Spec> –
($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path)
.<File::Basename> –
($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($fullname, @suffixlist)
.<Path::Class::File> –
file('foo', 'bar.txt')->is_absolute
.<Path::Extended::File> –
.<Parse::Path> –
Parse::Path->new(path => 'gophers[0].food.count', style => 'DZIL')->push("chunk")
. Works with paths as with arrays (push
). It also overloads comparison operators. It has styles:DZIL
include (;$pkg)
Connects $pkg
(if it has not already been connected via use
or require
) and returns it. Without a parameter, uses $_
lib/ file:
package A;
sub new { bless {@_}, shift }
lib/ file:
package N;
sub ex { 123 }
use lib "lib";
include("A")->new # ~> A=HASH\(0x\w+\)
[map include, qw/A N/] # --> [qw/A N/]
{ local $_="N"; include->ex } # -> 123
catonce (;$file)
Reads the file for the first time. Any subsequent attempt to read this file returns undef
. Used to insert js and css modules into the resulting file. Without a parameter, uses $_
can contain arrays of two elements. The first is treated as a path and the second as a layer. The default layer is:utf8
is not specified, use$_
local $_ = "catonce.txt";
lay "result";
catonce # -> "result"
catonce # -> undef
eval { catonce[] }; $@ # ~> catonce not use ref path!
wildcard (;$wildcard)
Converts a file mask to a regular expression. Without a parameter, uses $_
Other characters are escaped using
wildcard "*.{pm,pl}" # \> (?^usn:^.*?\.(pm|pl)$)
wildcard "?_??_**" # \> (?^usn:^._[^/]_[^/]*?$)
Used in filters of the find
Cm. Also:
<Text::Glob> -
goto_editor ($path, $line)
Opens the file in the editor from .config at the specified line. Defaults to vscodium %p:%l
. file:
package config;
config_module 'Aion::Fs' => {
EDITOR => 'echo %p:%l > ed.txt',
goto_editor "mypath", 10;
cat "ed.txt" # => mypath:10\n
eval { goto_editor "`", 1 }; $@ # ~> `:1 --> 512
from_pkg (;$pkg)
Transfers the packet to the FS path. Without a parameter, uses $_
from_pkg "Aion::Fs" # => Aion/
[map from_pkg, "Aion::Fs", "A::B::C"] # --> ["Aion/", "A/B/"]
to_pkg (;$path)
Translates the path from the FS to the package. Without a parameter, uses $_
to_pkg "Aion/" # => Aion::Fs
[map to_pkg, "Aion/", "A/B/"] # --> ["Aion::Fs", "A::B::C"]
Yaroslav O. Kosmina
⚖ GPLv3
The Aion::Fs is copyright © 2023 by Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.