DynaPage::Template - Dynamic Page document content

# (C) Daniel Peder & Infoset s.r.o., all rights reserved
$Revision: 1.3 $
$Date: 2005/01/13 21:31:07 $


new ( [ $template ] , [ $objectSourcer ] ) : DynaPage::Template::
Sourcer ( blessed ) : blessed

Set/Get the Sourcer object. Used to retrieve (Get) feedable values. Sourcer must provide Get($name) method.

template ( $template ) : string

Set/Get the template's source.

result ( $result ) : string

Set/Get the template's result string.

Internaly used to set it, however, externaly should be used to GET it ONLY.

Feed ( [ $Sourcer ] , [$keep_unfilled_tags] ) : string

Feed the whole template. Unless $keep_unfilled_tags is specified, unfilled tags are cleared after last iteration. Current limit is 10 iterations.

Specifying $Sourcer forces another data source. See DynaPage::Sourcer .

feedTags ( ) : bool

Find and replace value tags. There are two tag types. substituting raw values [~TagName~] or [X]HTML parameter safe values [!TagName!].

Parameter safe values means substituted entities: " < > and '

clearTags ( $clear_value ) : bool

Clear unfilled tags, resp. fill it with $clear_value , which is by default set to '';

Return TRUE if some tags were cleared. Otherwise return FALSE.

getTagValue ( $name [, $parameterSafe ] ) : string

Get value of tag $name. The value will be escaped to be $parameterSafe.