MojoMojo::Controller::Gallery - Page gallery.
See MojoMojo
Controller for page photo galleries.
default ( .gallery )
Show a gallery page for the current node.
by_tag ( .gallery/by_tag )
show a gallery by a given tag. Will also show photos in the descendants of the page with the given tag.
p ( .p )
( /p_by_tag/\d+ )
show a picture in tag gallery.
submittag ( /gallery/submittag )
Add a tag through form submit
tag ( /.jsrpc/tag )
add a tag to a page. return list of yours and popular tags.
untag ( .gallery/untag )
Remove a tag from a page. Return a list of yours and popular tags.
inline_tags ( .gallery/tags )
Make a list of yours and popular tags, or just popular ones if no user is logged in.
description ( .gallery/description )
AJAX method for updating picture descriptions inline.
title ( .gallery/title )
AJAX method for updating picture titles inline.
Marcus Ramberg <>
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.