Changes for version 0.38 - 2014-02-28

    • is_power Returns max k if n=p^k. See Pari 2.4.x.
    • Factoring powers (and k*n^m for small k) is much faster.
    • Speed up znprimroot.
    • Add Bernstein+Voloch improvements to AKS. Much faster than the v6 implementation, though still terribly slow vs. BPSW or other proofs.
    • Added some Project Euler examples.
    • If using a threaded Perl without EXTENDED_TESTING, thread tests will print diagnostics instead of failing. This might help find issues with platforms that are currently failing with no indications, and allow installation for non-threaded use.


Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring
Elliptic curve operations for affine points
Elliptic curve operations for projective points
An auto-free object for Math::Prime::Util
Pure Perl version of Math::Prime::Util
PP front end for Math::Prime::Util
Primality proofs and certificates
A tied array for primes
An object iterator for primes
Generate random primes
Perl Big Float versions of Riemann Zeta and R functions


in lib/Math/Prime/Util/