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 Fault::Delegate - Abstract superclass of all Delegates.


 use Fault::Delegate::MyDelegate;
 $self = Fault::Delegate::MyDelegate->new;
 $bool = $self->log($msg);

 $bool = $self->test;
         $self->warn ("A warning message");




This is an abstract superclass from which Logger delegate subclasses may inherit common code.

A Logger delegate manages a a logging connection of some sort. It is not used directly by a user; it is passed to Fault::logger for use as a proxy by which output messages are printed, syslogged, placed in a database, sent to a web site or whatever else the delegate does.

By doing it this way, the logging behavior of the system may be changed at any time simply by changing the delegate. This could even be done dynamically, switching where log messages go at runtime.

Delegate Protocol

A delegate must at the very least impliment the log method to be considered a delegate. Beyond that, if it is to impliment the fault protocol, it should at least impliment the trans01 and trans10 methods and should if possible also impliment the initfaults method.

If the delegate has any ivars of its own and must do any special initialization it will also need to override or inherit from the new class method. The subclass is responsible for arg checking all of its args to ensure they exist if required and are precisely the correct type if found. This requirement applies only to the new method since it is the only part of the delegate protocal that is directly exposed to the user. All other methods are called only via Fault::Logger, which does all of the arg checking and defaulting before calling a subclass method.

If the delegate has no private arguments, @rest can be ignored; if it does not use the $target that can also be ignored. If $target is used, it is a subclass responsibility to make sure it is not undef, not a scalar and is a member of an acceptable class.

The $msg object will always contain a message, type and priority. If one of them was missing from a Fault::Logger method call, reasonable defaults will have been generated before any subclass protocol methods were called. The subclass may ignore or modify them as it choses although it is recommend it either use them or as is or skip them unless there is a really good reason to override the values passed to it from the Logger object.

No delegate protocol method should ever allow a 'die' to occur. If it is even concievably possible, the potentially offensive code should be protected by an eval statement. If the eval fails, the method should return false.

Under no circumstance should a delegate make an 'up-call' to Fault::Logger. This would have the potential to generate infinite loops. If local error messages or diagnostics need to be generated, use warn or print if you must and preferably Fault:;ErrorHandler or Fault::DebugPrinter if you can.

Any method which causes a line to be printed to screen or file should use the Fault::Msg object method $msg->stamped_log_line to generate a line like this:

 $date $time UTC> $process: $type($priority): $message
$okay = Delegate::MyDelegate->new (@rest)

Subclass may override. It is the class constructor. The default method returns an object of the calling class with no ivars. It should test its logger connection to make sure it is functioning. If there are bad arguments or the connection cannot be made, return undef.

@list = $self->initfaults

A subclass may impliment this method if it is able to recover persistant fault table data from a previous program execution. It is a callback used by Logger when it initializes it's in-memory fault table. If this method is not implimented that table will be initialized as empty.

$okay = $self->log ($msg,$target,@rest)
$okay = $self->log ($msg,$target)
$okay = $self->log ($msg)

Subclass must override. It is the absolute minimum requirement for a delegate class that it be able to accept a log message and do something with it.

It should return true if that something succeeded.

$zero = $self->trans00 ($msg,$target,@rest)
$zero = $self->trans00 ($msg,$target)
$zero = $self->trans00 ($msg)

A subclass may impliment this method if it wishes to do something every time a fault clear occurs. It is called when a message clear occurs on a message that is not in the fault table.

I have to this date never found a need for it but it is available for completeness.

It should always returns 0.

$zero = $self->trans01 ($msg,$target,@rest)
$zero = $self->trans01 ($msg,$target)
$zero = $self->trans01 ($msg)

A subclass may impliment this method if it wishes to do something the first time a fault raise occurs. It is called when a fault raise occurs on a message that is not already in the fault table.

This method is part of the minimal subset required to impliment fault handling.

It should always returns 0.

$zero = $self->trans10 ($msg,$target,@rest)
$zero = $self->trans10 ($msg,$target)
$zero = $self->trans10 ($msg)

A subclass may impliment this method if it wishes to do something the first time a fault clear occurs. It is called when a faul clear occurs on a message that exists in the fault table.

This method is part of the minimal subset required to impliment fault handling.

It should always returns 0.

$zero = $self->trans11 ($msg,$target,@rest)
$zero = $self->trans11 ($msg,$target)
$zero = $self->trans11 ($msg)

A subclass may impliment this method if it wishes to do something every time a fault raise occurs. It is called when a message raise occurs on a message that is already in the fault table.

I have to this date never found a need for it but it is available for completeness.

It should always returns 0.


 None. This is an abstract class. You must use a subclass.

 [See Fault::Logger for a detailed example.]

Class Variables


Instance Variables


Class Methods

$self = Fault::Delegate::LogFile->new

Create a Delegate object. Classes without any args can inherit this class as is. Others should override, but may use the low level family methods to simplify coding.

Instance Methods

$self = Fault::Delegate::LogFile->log($msg)

Log a message using subclass provided overrides to the low level protocol. If a subclass has only the $msg argument, this method can be used. If it must deal with extra args, it will need to override this method but can use it as a template.

It returns true if the message was logged successfully.

Private Class Methods


Private Instance Methods

$bool = $self->_write ($msg)
$bool = $self->_connect
$bool = $self->_disconnect

Impliments a noop internal family protocol which subclasses may override and use if they wish to default most behavior to this parent class. Study the code to understand how to use them.

$bool = $self->test

Executes a _connect, a log write and a _disconnect. It returns true if this succeeds. This is useful in personalized subclass new methods.

$bool = $self->warn($line)

Issue a local warn output in a standardized format. Useful anywhere in a subclass where errors are detected. If a subclass has an error it probably cannot successfully log as it is supposed to so it should use this as a fall back so there is a debug information available on the problem.

Errors and Warnings

Local warning messages are printed if the logging mechanism cannot be reached or has any problems whatever. You cannot log to a logger that is not working!




Dale Amon <>

5 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 247:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4

Around line 273:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4

Around line 288:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4

Around line 296:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4

Around line 325:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4