XML::LibXMLSec::Simple - simpler way to use xmlsec


use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXMLSec::Simple;

my $document = XML::LibXML->load_xml(...);
if (XML::LibXMLSec::Simple::verify(
    )) {


This is the module you probably want to use for most simple usage cases of XML::LibXMLSec.

This module does not export any function, you should use the fully qualified name to call them.



if (XML::LibXMLSec::Simple::verify(
    )) {

This function takes a XML::LibXML::Document object, and a string contaninig a PEM-encoded X509 certificate. It returns a true value if the document contains a valid signature produced with the private key corresponding to the certificate.

It uses XML::LibXMLSec::Utils::find_node to find the signature node inside the document, XML::LibXMLSec::KeysManager to handle the certificate, and XML::LibXMLSec::DSigContext to verify the signature.