Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo - Perl interface to the Solaris devinfo library


use Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo;
$node = new Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo;
@children = $node->child_nodes;


The Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo module implements access to the Solaris devinfo library libdevinfo. The devicetree is presented as a hierarchical collection of nodes.

The implementation closely resembles the API of the C library. However, due to the object interface there a few differences to keep in mind when using this library after reading the manual pages to the original libdevinfo:

  • The 'di_'-prefix of the function names from the C API has been stripped.

  • The functions di_init and di_fini for generation and destruction of devicetrees are now called implicitly in the constructor and destructor.

  • Accessing the nodes by driver via di_drv_first_node and di_drv_next_node is not implemented in favor of the much more expressive find_nodes added in Perl.

  • The function di_walk_node is not implemented because treewalking in Perl using child_nodes is much easier than in C and is therefore not needed.

  • Getting child nodes via subsequent calls to di_child_node has been simplified to a single call to child_nodes returning an array of all child nodes.

di_binding_name               di_bus_addr
di_child_node                 di_compatible_names
di_devfs_path                 di_devfs_path_free
di_devid                      di_driver_name
di_driver_ops                 di_drv_first_node
di_drv_next_node              di_fini
di_init                       di_instance
di_minor_class                di_minor_devt
di_minor_name                 di_minor_next
di_minor_nodetype             di_minor_spectype
di_minor_type                 di_node_name
di_nodeid                     di_parent_node
di_prom_fini                  di_prom_init
di_prom_prop_data             di_prom_prop_lookup_bytes
di_prom_prop_lookup_ints      di_prom_prop_lookup_strings
di_prom_prop_name             di_prom_prop_next
di_prop_bytes                 di_prop_devt
di_prop_ints                  di_prop_lookup_bytes
di_prop_lookup_ints           di_prop_lookup_strings
di_prop_name                  di_prop_next
di_prop_strings               di_prop_type
di_sibling_node               di_state
di_walk_minor                 di_walk_node


The following methods are available:

$node = new Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo;

The constructor returns a reference to the root node object, which is a Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo object. Because the methods are all read-only the object is implemented as singleton and same reference gets returned every time.

@childs = $node->child_nodes;

@childs = $node->child_nodes( attr1 => val1, ... )

This method returns a list with all children matching the given properties. If no properties are specified all children for the node are returned.

$parent = $node->parent_node;

Returns the parent node for this node. If this is the root node, then undef is returned.

$node = $node->root_node

Returns the root node of the tree.

@siblings = $node->sibling_nodes

Returns the list of siblings for the object. A sibling is a child from our parent, but not ourselves.

$path = $node->devfs_path

Returns the physical path assocatiated with this node.

$nodename = $node->node_name;

Returns the name of the node.

$bindingname = $node->binding_name;

Returns the binding name for this node. The binding name is the name used by the system to select a driver for the device.

$busaddr = $node->bus_addr;

Returns the address on the bus for this node. undef is returned if a bus address has not been assigned to the device. A zero-length string may be returned and is considered a valid bus address.

@compatNames = $devtree->compatible_names;

Returns the list of names from compatible device for the current node. See the discussion of generic names in "Writing Device Drivers" for a description of how compatible names are used by Solaris to achieve driver binding for the node.

$devid = $devtree->devid;

Returns the device ID for the node, if it is registered. Otherwise, undef is returned.

$drivername = $devtree->driver_name;

Returns the name of the driver for the node or undef if the node is not bound to any driver.

%ops = $devtree->driver_ops;

Returns a hash whos keys indicate, which entry points of the device driver entry points are supported by the driver bound to this node. Possible keys are:


$inst = $node->instance;

Returns the instance number for this node of the bound driver. undef is returned if no instance number has been assigned.

%state = $node->state;

Returns the driver state attached to this node as hash. The presence of the keys in the hash represent the states of the driver. The following keys in the hash can be present:


$id = $node->nodeid;

Returns the type of the node. Three different strings identifying the types can be returned or undef if the type is unknown:


Nodes of the type PROM may have additional prom properties that are defined by the PROM. The properties can be accessed with prom_props.

if( $node->is_pseudo_node ) { ... }

Returns the string PSEUDO as true value if the node is a pseudo node or undef if not.

if( $node->is_sid_node ) { ... }

Returns the string SID as true value if the node is a sid node or undef if not.

if( $node->is_prom_node ) { ... }

Returns the string PROM as true value if the node is a prom node or undef if not.

$props = $node->props;

Returns a reference to a hash which maps property names to property values. The property values are of class Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo::Property.

$promprops = $node->prom_props;

Returns a reference to a hash which maps PROM property names to property values. The property values are of class Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo::PromProperty.

@minor = $node->minor_nodes;

Returns a reference to a list of all minor nodes which are associated with this node. The minor nodes are of class Solaris::DeviceTree::Libdevinfo::MinorNode.



Copyright 1999-2003 Dagobert Michelsen.


libdevinfo (3devinfo) libdevinfo (3lib)