Changes for version 1.3.1
- _Sun Nov 16 2014_
- Refactoring, bugfixing and some clean-up!
How to configure Strehler on Dancer2
Configurable flags on extra entities
How to add custom objects to a Strehler backend
How to install Strehler
A tutorial about how Element hooks work
A light-weight, nerdy, smart CMS in perl based on Perl Dancer2 framework.
App that gives a RESTful interface to Strehler data
App holding the routes used by Strehler backend
Dancer2 Plugin to write new routes in the Strehler Backend
Base class for Strehler entities management
Strehler Entity for articles
Strehler Entity for images
Strehler Entity for logs
Configuration role
A role to manage element's slug
Strehler Entity for users
FormFu Element for Strehler Category Selector.
FormFu Element for Strehler Display order field.
FormFu Element to allow browsing a Strehler entity with a select box.
FormFu Element for Strehler publish date field.
FormFu Element for Strehler slug field.
FormFu Element for Strehler tags field.
FormFu Validator for Category form.
FormFu Validator for File field in image form.
Strehler Category class. Best tool to organize contents.
Strehler Entity for Tags
DBIx::Class Schema for Strehler database tables