Changes for version 0.006
- More tags (Shortcut, FeatureRef)
- Fixing to work with Perl-Dist-WiX
Objects useful for generating Windows Installer XML files.
Exceptions used in the WiX3 distribution.
"Cheat Class" in order to get a Traceable object.
Exception::Class based error generation for Moose.
Defines a Component tag.
Defines a ComponentRef tag.
Defines a CreateFolder tag.
Class representing a Directory tag.
Class representing a DirectoryRef tag.
Defines a Icon tag.
Defines a FeatureRef tag.
Default fragment code.
"Shortcut Fragment" containing only a CreateFolder entry.
Defines a Icon tag.
Role that says that this tag is a Fragment.
Base role for XML tags.
Base role for XML tags that have children.
Defines a Shortcut tag.
in lib/WiX3/Role/
in lib/WiX3/XML/
in lib/WiX3/XML/Role/