Changes for version 1.102002

  • 1. Allow use of previously created merge modules. 2. Removal of MooseX::AttributeHelpers as a prerequisite. 3. Updates for new toolchain modules not working.


The list of exceptions that Perl::Dist::WiX catches.
The repository that is used for Perl::Dist::WiX.
a minicpan script for Perl::Dist::WiX and subclasses.
Windows Perl distribution builder


Minimal distribution of Perl, useful only for testing.
4th generation Win32 Perl distribution builder
"Binary Package" asset for a Win32 Perl
Support routines for distribution assets.
"Perl Distribution" asset for a Win32 Perl
"Perl Distribution" asset for a Win32 Perl
"Single File" asset for a Win32 Perl
Start menu launcher asset for a Win32 Perl
"C Library" asset for a Win32 Perl
Module asset for a Win32 Perl
"Binary .par package" asset for a Win32 Perl
"Perl core" asset for a Win32 Perl
Website link asset for a Win32 Perl
4th generation Win32 Perl distribution builder
Checkpoint support for Perl::Dist::WiX
Cache of <Directory> tag objects.
Base directory tree for Perl::Dist::WiX.
Exception classes for Perl::Dist::WiX
Tree of <Feature> tag objects.
A list of <Icon> tags.
Basic installation routines
Library installation routines
Types private to Perl::Dist::WiX;
Creates accessory files.
Role for assets.
Role for assets that do not require URL's.
<Directory> tag that knows how to search its children.
<DirectoryRef> tag that knows how to search its children.
<Icon> tag that stores its type of target.
<Merge> tag that makes its own <MergeRef> when requested.
Public types used in Perl::Dist::WiX.
Generate an entire set of related distributions


in lib/Perl/Dist/WiX/Fragment/
in lib/Perl/Dist/WiX/Fragment/
in lib/Perl/Dist/WiX/Fragment/
in lib/Perl/Dist/WiX/Fragment/