Protocol::HTTP2 - HTTP/2 protocol (draft 12) implementation


use Protocol::HTTP2;


Protocol::HTTP2 is HTTP/2 protocol (draft 12) implementation with stateful decoders/encoders of HTTP/2 frames. You may use this module to implement your own HTTP/2 client/server/intermediate on top of your favorite event loop over plain or tls socket (see examples).

Current status - alpha. Structures, module names and methods may change vastly. I've started this project to understand internals of HTTP/2 and may be it will never become production or even finished.


| Spec                    | status  |
| ----------------------- | ------- |
| Negotiation             | direct  |
| Preface                 |    +    |
| Headers (de)compression |    +    |
| Stream states           |    +    |
| Flow control            |    -    |
| Server push             |    -    |
| Connect method          |    -    |

| Frame           | encoder | decoder |
| --------------- |:-------:|:-------:|
| DATA            |    ~    |    +    |
| HEADERS         |    +    |    +    |
| PRIORITY        |    -    |    -    |
| RST_STREAM      |    -    |    +    |
| SETTINGS        |    +    |    +    |
| PUSH_PROMISE    |    -    |    -    |
| PING            |    -    |    -    |
| GOAWAY          |    +    |    +    |
| WINDOW_UPDATE   |    -    |    -    |
| CONTINUATION    |    ~    |    +    |
| ALTSVC          |    -    |    -    |
| BLOCKED         |    -    |    ~    |
- -- not implemeted
~ -- incomplete
+ -- implemented (may even work)

SEE ALSO - official HTTP/2 specification site


Copyright (C) Vladimir Lettiev.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Vladimir Lettiev <<gt>