Boilerplater::Method - Metadata describing an instance method.


Boilerplater::Method is a specialized subclass of Boilerplater::Function, with the first argument required to be an Obj.

When compiling Boilerplater code to C, Method objects generate all the code that Function objects do, but also create symbols for indirect invocation via VTable.



my $type = Boilerplater::Method->new(
    class_name   => 'MyProject::FooFactory',    # required
    param_list   => $param_list,                # required
    micro_sym    => 'count',                    # required
    macro_name   => 'Count',                    # required
    class_cnick  => 'FooFact ',                 # default: special 
    docu_comment => $docu_comment,              # default: undef
    abstract     => undef,                      # default: undef
    exposure     => undef,                      # default: 'parcel' 
  • param_list - A Boilerplater::ParamList. The first element must be an object of the class identified by class_name.

  • micro_sym - The lower case name of the function which implements the method.

  • macro_name - The mixed case name which will be used when invoking the method.

  • abstract - Indicate whether the method is abstract. A function body must still be defined.

  • exposure - The scope at which the method is exposed. Must be one of 'public', 'parcel' or 'private'.

  • class_name, class_cnick, docu_comment, see Boilerplater::Function.


Copyright 2006-2009 Marvin Humphrey

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.