Apache::ModBT::LeechNuker - mod_perl handler to shun leeches on a mod_bt BitTorrent Tracker
PerlModule Apache::ModBT::LeechNuker
<Location "/announce">
<IfModule mod_perl.c>
PerlFixupHandler Apache::ModBT::LeechNuker
PerlSetVar MinLeechTime 3600
The Apache::ModBT::LeechNuker module is a basic example on how to manipulate the operations of a mod_bt BitTorrent tracker from mod_perl.
When run on an "/announce" request, this module will look up the peer making the request in the tracker's database. If the peer has not uploaded anything, and has been connected to the tracker for a certain amount of time (the default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour), has been downloading, and there are other peers that need his or her help, the peer's "Shunned" flag is set in the database.
A "Shunned" peer is never given any other peers when it makes /announce requests, and is never served to other peers, effectively blocking the peer from the network
Apache::ModBT, Net::BitTorrent::LibBTT,,