Bundle::BioPerl - A bundle to install external CPAN modules used by BioPerl
Perl one liner using
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::BioPerl'
Use of in interactive mode:
$> perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Bundle::BioPerl
cpan> quit
Just like the manual installation of perl modules, the user may need root access during this process to insure write permission is allowed within the intstallation directory.
Bundle::LWP - recommended, used for network access
File::Temp - Already present in modern versions of perl
File::Spec - Already present in modern versions of perl
IO::Scalar - optional, used only in
IO::String - recommended, used by Bio::DB:WebDBSeqI
HTTP::Request::Common - recommended, used for web access
HTTP::Status - recommended, used for web access
LWP::UserAgent - recommended, used for web access
URI::Escape - recommended, used for web access
XML::Parser - recommended for all bioperl releases after 0.6.2
XML::Parser::PerlSAX - recommended for all bioperl releases after 0.6.2
XML::Writer - recommended for all bioperl releases after 0.6.2
XML::Node - recommended for all bioperl releases after 0.6.2
XML::Twig - recommended for all bioperl releases after 0.6.2
SOAP::Lite - Used for bibliographic queries & XEMBLService modules
GD - Used only for drawing things within the Bio::Graphics modules
Storable - recommended for all bioperl releases after 0.7.2. Used for persistant storage of objects and local file caching
Parse::RecDescent - Used for parsing Unigene files
Text::Shellwords - Text parser used by
The BioPerl distribution from contains code and modules that may use or require additional 'external' perl modules for advanced functionality. Many of the external modules are not contained within the standard Perl distribution. These external modules can be obtained from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) located at
July 2002 NOTE: The latest release of this bundle includes all of the external CPAN modules that are listed as dependencies of the official BioPerl 1.0.2 codebase release. The only exceptions are the DBD:: DBI:: modules which are really best off installed on their own if you have a need to load and query relational databases.
A webpage listing all known dependencies is maintained at
These modules are not required - they simply extend the functionality of bioperl in various ways. To get the best use of bioperl, particularly after the release of BioPerl 1.0 we recommend at least having the LWP:: network access and the XML:: related modules installed.
This perl module (Bundle::BioPerl) contains NO functionality or real code at all. It is essentially a special perl module meant to be used by the module to simplify the task of automatically installing multiple modules in one easy step.
Essentially users can tell to 'install Bundle::BioPerl' and will download, install and configure all of the modules listed in the BioPerl Bundle module. See the SYNOPSIS section or do perldoc CPAN
to learn about how to use the module to install bundles.
NOTE: This process is complicated by the fact that some BioPerl external modules themselves have their own dependencies and prerequisites. In particular the XML::Parser module requires the prior installation of the 'xpat' package which resides outside of CPAN at
The install Bundle::BioPerl
process may need to be repeated several times to complete the full installation of all listed modules. Some external modules are complicated or may themselves have dependencies. Wherever possible we attempt to track this online at
NOTE: This Bundle does not install BioPerl :) Just the additional modules that BioPerl code ocasionally makes use of. You will still need to get the BioPerl distribution from CPAN or and install it the usual way:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install has many features - including the ability to download but not install the modules listed in the BioPerl bundle.
perldoc CPAN
is your friend :)
Chris Dagdigian <> (Author only of this bundle, not any the modules it lists)