API::INSEE::Sirene - An interface for the Sirene API of INSEE
use API::INSEE::Sirene;
${API::INSEE::Sirene::CLIENT_AUTH} = 'Y2xpZW50X2tleTpjbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0'; # required: your base64 encoded credentials
${API::INSEE::Sirene::default_max_results} = 30; # optional
${API::INSEE::Sirene::proxy} = ''; # optional: if your connection require proxy, enter it here
${API::INSEE::Sirene::timeout} = 40; # optional
# Examples to get informations about an establishment with SIRET number '12345678987654'
getEstablishmentBySIRET(12345678987654, 'all');
my $fields_that_interest_me = ['numeroVoieEtablissement', 'typeVoieEtablissement', 'libelleVoieEtablissement',
'codePostalEtablissement', 'libelleCommuneEtablissement'];
getEstablishmentBySIRET(12345678987654, $fields_that_interest_me);
getEstablishmentBySIRET(12345678987654, 'denominationUniteLegale');
#or simply
This module allows you to interact with the Sirene API of INSEE (Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques) in France.
It contains a set of functions that can perform searches on INSEE's database to get some information about french entreprises like their SIREN number, company name, company headquarters address, etc.
The terms "enterprise", "legal unit" and "establishment" used in this documentation are defined at the INSEE website in the following pages:
Enterprise definition:
Legal unit definition:
Establishment definition:
Here is the documentation with among others all fields names:
Please note that this API is french so all fields names used in function calls are in french.
This module makes use of the LWP library to send http requests and JSON library to decode JSON when getting the token. Also, this module gives you responses in JSON format so you may need the JSON library.
These following functions are exported by default:
These folowing functions are available by manual import:
This section describes all functionalities available in this module.
Required variable so the module can connect to your INSEE account and obtain a token that allows him to send requests thereafter. The value must be your base64 encoded credentials.
The token has a limited lifetime (7 days by default but you can change it) and is automatically renewed by the API. The module gets the token only once at program launch so you need to relaunch the module to get the new token.
- default_max_results
Optional variable that specifies how many results the API must return to the module. A too big value may impact response time and general performances.
This variable is set to 20 results by default.
Constant that specifies the max results number you can get. This value can't be increased. If you try to send a request with a higher value, the number parameter will be forced to HARD_MAX_RESULTS value.
- proxy
Optional variable that specifies which proxy server must be used to send requests.
This variable is set to undef by default. If this variable is not set, the module uses system proxy settings.
- timeout
An optional variable that specify how many seconds the client module waits for server response before giving up.
This variable is set to 20 seconds by default.
- getLegalUnitBySIREN()
Search a legal unit by her SIREN number.
- getEstablishmentBySIRET()
Search an establishment by his SIRET number.
- getEstablishmentsBySIREN()
Search all establishments that are attached to the legal unit identified by this SIREN number.
- getLegalUnitsByCriteria()
Search all legal units matching the specified criteria.
- getEstablishmentsByCriteria()
Search all establishments matching the specified criteria.
- getLegalUnitsByName()
Search all legal units matching the specified name. (denominationUniteLegale field)
- getEstablishmentsByName()
Search all establishments matching the specified name. (denominationUniteLegale field)
- getLegalUnitsByUsualName()
Search all legal units matching the specified name. (denominationUsuelle1UniteLegale field)
- getEstablishmentsByUsualName()
Search all establishments matching the specified name. (denominationUsuelle1UniteLegale field)
- getUserAgentInitialized()
Return the user agent initialized with the token. Allows advanced users to make their own requests.
Note: All functions search and return values that are in the most recent legal unit period.
- siren and siret
In the getEstablishmentBySIRET(), getEstablishmentsBySIREN() and getLegalUnitBySIREN() functions, you must give a SIREN or a SIRET number:
my $response_json = getLegalUnitBySIREN(123456789); my $response_json = getEstablishmentBySIRET(12345678987654); my $response_json = getEstablishmentsBySIREN(123456789);
Note: A SIREN number must be 9 digits long and a SIRET number must be 14 digits long.
- criteria
In the getLegalUnitsByCriteria() and getEstablishmentsByCriteria() functions, you must give a hash reference of search criteria:
# search all legal units whose acronym like 'ABC' AND whose category like 'ETI' my %criteria = ( sigleUniteLegale => 'ABC', categorieEntreprise => 'ETI' ); my $response_json = getLegalUnitsByCriteria(\%criteria);
Note: Criteria are concatened with an AND in query search. A criteria is a couple of field:value, you can use aliases defined below.
- name
In the getLegalUnitsByName(), getEstablishmentsByName(), getLegalUnitsByUsualName() and getEstablishmentsByUsualName() functions, you must give a string:
my $response_json = getLegalUnitsByName("EnterpriseName");
Note: You can enter a part or the complete name of an enterprise.
- fields
All functions are taking two parameters including an optional one. The second parameter, if present, can be presented in three forms:
my $fields_that_interest_me = ['dateCreationUniteLegale', 'sigleUniteLegale']; my $result_json = getLegalUnitBySIREN(123456789, $fields_that_interest_me); #or my $result_json = getLegalUnitBySIREN(123456789, 'dateCreationUniteLegale'); #or my $result_json = getLegalUnitBySIREN(123456789, 'all');
You can specify an array of fields that interest you in order that the module returns to you only these fields. If you want to get only one field, you do not have to give it as an array.
When you don't specify fields like this:
my $result_json = getLegalUnitBySIREN(123456789);
The module will not return to you all fields by default because there are too many. Instead, it returns a selection of fields that are most likely of interest to you.
If you want all fields, you have to specify it explicitly by passing the 'all' parameter.
Some fields have an alias to be more user-friendly, here is the list of available aliases:
my %usefull_fields_alias = (
'nicSiege' => 'nicSiegeUniteLegale',
'nom' => 'denominationUniteLegale',
'dateCreation' => 'dateCreationUniteLegale',
'sigle' => 'sigleUniteLegale',
'categorieJuridique' => 'categorieJuridiqueUniteLegale',
'nomenclatureActivitePrincipale' => 'nomenclatureActivitePrincipaleUniteLegale',
'activitePrincipale' => 'activitePrincipaleUniteLegale',
'numvoie' => 'numeroVoieEtablissement',
'typevoie' => 'typeVoieEtablissement',
'nomvoie' => 'libelleVoieEtablissement',
'codePostal' => 'codePostalEtablissement',
'nomCommune' => 'libelleCommuneEtablissement'
my $result_json = getLegalUnitBySIREN(123456789, 'nom');
is equivalent to
my $result_json = getLegalUnitBySIREN(123456789, 'denominationUniteLegale');
Justin Fouquet <jfouquet at lncsa dot fr>
Copyright 2018 by Les Nouveaux Constructeurs
This library is free software; You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.