Changes for version 0.0.15 - 2015-11-08

  • With the exception of "id" methods that didn't started with "object_" but were identical in function to AUTOLOADed methods that did have that prefix have now been removed.
  • AUTOLOADed methods with always return '' instead of undef.
  • Collection classes (always the plural form of the item class) now respond to the Creator, Fetcher, Updater interfaces.
  • POD updates.


Shippo API Client
Shippo Address class
Shippo Carrier Account class
Shippo Customs Declaration class
Shippo Customs Item class
Shippo Manifest class
Shippo Parcel class.
Shippo Rate class.
Shippo Refund class
Shippo Shipment class.
Shippo Transaction class.


in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
in lib/WebService/Shippo/
