Some examples of how to use the client.
Authenticate Yourself
Make sure you've enabled the Developer flag in your Wing user account and requested an API key. Then you can authenticate like this:
my $session = $wing->post('session', {
username => 'me',
password => '123qwe',
api_key_id => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrztuz',
Checking for Success
All Wing::Client requests will throw an Ouch exception in the case of a failed lookup, or if the remote Wing server returned an error code.
Anything can fail
Since any request can return an exception, you'll need to eval all requests.
my $session = eval {
$wing->post('session', {
username => 'me',
password => '123qwe',
api_key_id => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrztuz',
Trapping and processing
You can use a combination of Ouch's trapping mechanisms to handle errors
if (kiss 440) {
say "Wrong username and password combination";
exit 1;
else (hug) { #Catch all other errors
say "Pigs are flying someplace, check the server-side code";
exit 2;
else {
say "It worked";
#Continue knowing that $session has valid data in it.