Package::Prototype - Super easily to create prototype object
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature 'say';
use Package::Prototype;
my $obj = Package::Prototype->bless({
foo => 10,
bar => "Hello",
baz => sub {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
say "$arg, World";
# It do not create a method if key is started at '_'
_data => "internal data"
say "\$obj classname: " . ref $obj;
say Dumper $obj;
say $obj->foo; # 10
say $obj->bar; # "Hello"
$obj->baz($obj->bar); # "Hello, World"
my $obj2 = Package::Prototype->bless({
hoge => [1..10],
fuga => {abc => "def"}
}, 'CLASS');
say "\$obj2 classname: " . ref $obj2;
# reference
my $a = $obj2->hoge;
my $h = $obj2->fuga;
# wantarray
my @a = $obj2->hoge;
my %h = $obj2->fuga;
$obj2->prototype(bow => sub { say "Bow!!" }, nyao => sub { say "Nyao!!" });
$obj2->prototype(baw => 10, nyan => "nyan");
$obj2->nyao(); # "Nyao!!"
$obj2->bow(); # "Bow!!"
say "bow: " . $obj2->baw . " nyan: " . $obj2->nyan;
Package::Prototype can create prototype object like javascript.
This module can provide anonymous packages which are independent of the main namespace if not specified by classname. Also, available as an object instance.
bless($ref :HashRef[, $classname :Str])
Create a new anonymous package and an instance. The optional
argument sets the stash's name.$classname
default is__ANON__
.That instance also provide a method that will return values corresponding to keys that do not start with '_'.
my $obj = Package::Prototype->bless({ foo => 10, bar => sub { say $_[1] }, # It do not create a method if key is started at '_' _data => "internal data" }); say $obj->foo; # 10 say $obj->bar("Hello"); # $obj->_data is not provided
prototype($key :Str => $val :Any, ...)
This method can be used from the generated instance. By using this, it is possible to add new methods easily.
$obj->prototype(add => sub { my $self = shift; return $_[0] + $_[1]; }); $obj->add(3, 5); # 8
Copyright (C) K.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
K <>