Template::Provider::PerContextDBIC - Load templates using DBIx::Class with per-context resultsets


version 0.001


use My::DBIC::Schema;
use Template;
use Template::Provider::PerContextDBIC;

my $schema = My::DBIC::Schema->connect(
    $dsn, $user, $password, \%options
my $resultset = $schema->resultset('Template');

my $dbic_provider = Template::Provider::PerContextDBIC->new({
            RESULTSET => $resultset,
            TOLERANT => 1,
            # Other template options like COMPILE_EXT...

my $template = Template->new({
    LOAD_TEMPLATES => [ $dbic_provider ],

# Process the template 'my_template' from resultset 'Template'.
# Process the template 'other_template' from resultset 'Template'.

If you have a resultset that changes based on context, update resultset between calls to process.

# Process the template 'my_template' for site 'foo' from resultset 'Template'.

# Process the template 'other_template' for site 'bar' from resultset 'Template'.


Template::Provider::PerContextDBIC allows a Template object to fetch its data using DBIx::Class instead of, or in addition to, the default filesystem-based Template::Provider. The PerContextDBIC provider also allows changing the resultset between calls to $template->process.

This module was inspired by both Template::Provider::DBIC and Template::Provider::PrefixDBIC. It uses ideas from both of the other excellent modules.



The table column that contains the template name. This will default to 'tmpl_name'.


The table column that contains the template data itself. This will default to 'content'.


The table column that contains the date that the template was last modified. This will default to 'modified'.


The resultset to be used to find templates. It can be left blank as long as $provider-resultset(...)> is called prior to template processing.


The unique value identifying the $resultset to use for creating cache directories and lookups. Can be left blank if $resultset has a restricting_object method (eg. using DBIx::Class::Schema::RestrictWithObject).


The sub reference to be called during fetch which will return a two item list with $resultset and $restrictby_name.


If set to a true value, then a query with more than one row will cause the provider to return STATUS_DECLINED rather than STATUS_ERROR.


->_init( \%options )

Check that valid Template::Provider::PerContextDBIC-specific arguments have been supplied and store the appropriate values. See above for the available options.

->lookup_name( $name )

This method returns the name of the template that will be looked up in the database. The TEMPLATE_EXTENSION will be removed as well as the leading table name and restricting object.

->cache_name( $name )

This method returns the name of the cache entry. It will have the leading table name and restricting object as part of the name.

->fetch( $name )

This method is called automatically during Template's ->process() and returns a compiled template for the given $name, using the cache where possible.

->_load( $name )

Load the template from the database and return a hash containing its name, content, the time it was last modified, and the time it was loaded (now).

->_modified( $name, $time )

When called with a single argument, returns the modification time of the given template. When called with a second argument it returns true if $name has been modified since $time.

->resultset($rs, [$restrict_by])

Pass a resultset to use for subsequent template processing. Optionally pass a string to use for making unique cache directory.

If $restrict_by is not set, and the $rs has a restricting_object method (eg. using DBIx::Class::Schema::RestrictWithObject), then $restrict_by will be set to a string containing the $restricting_object-result_source->name> and $restricting_object-id>.

If both $restrict_by is set, and the $rs has a restricting_object method, then both values are used to create a unique cache directory.

->get_template($lookup_name, @columns)

Pass a template name to retrieve from the database, as well as list of columuns to be included. The column names are specified as the keys COLUMN_CONTENT and COLUMN_MODIFIED. A $row will be returned if lookup_name matches a record.

The database query is done using search rather than find to avoid warnings when query returns more than one record. The author feels that find is the correct method, but puts too much burden to ensure unique queries.

The default behaviour is to return a STATUS_ERROR if more than one row is returned. You can change that behaviour with the TOLERANT_QUERY option.


By default Template::Provider::PerContextDBIC will raise an exception when it cannot find the named template. When TOLERANT is set to true it will defer processing to the next provider specified in LOAD_TEMPLATES where available. For example:

my $template = Template->new({
            RESULTSET => $resultset,
            TOLERANT  => 1,
            INCLUDE_PATH => $path_to_templates,


When caching is enabled, by setting COMPILE_DIR and/or COMPILE_EXT, Template::Provider::PerContextDBIC will create a directory consisting of the database DSN and table name, and restrict_by name. This should prevent conflicts with other databases and providers.

In addition, if the result set has been restricted using DBIx::Class::Schema::RestrictWithObject, the cache directory will also be prefixed with the name and id of the restricting object. This should prevent conflicts with other resultsets for the same table.



In addition to errors raised by Template::Provider and DBIx::Class, Template::Provider::DBIC may generate the following error messages:

does not support the SCHEMA option

The SCHEMA configuration option should not be provided.

You must provide a DBIx::Class::ResultSet before calling fetch

Couldn't find a valid resultset when $provider->fetch runs.

More then one template matching '%s' was found in the resultset

The template %s was found more than once when querying the resultet.

Could not retrieve '%s' from the result set '%s'

Unless TOLERANT is set to true failure to find a template with the given name will raise an exception.


Additionally, use of this module requires an object of the class DBIx::Class::ResultSet.


Charlie Garrison <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Charlie Garrison.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.